The Letter

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Who else could it be but your son? The son who's always off searching, even though he thought he had completed those journeys. It feels like so long ago, years rather than months since Dad died.

It's taken me months to stop the pain from taking over my mind. Until I visited Scotland for the first time 2 months ago, it was like a dragon was igniting me from the inside. The pain I've felt over Dad's death.

Astrid was another difficulty over these last few months. I've long sensed an empty feeling between us. But hey, you have to fall down a lot to find what your looking before.

And I have found what I'm looking for. Not in who I am, that's what I thought I was searching for. But that wasn't it at all. I was looking for the half of my heart that I couldn't find with Astrid.

I was blindly groping for love.

And I've found it, in Merida.

I know what I need, and what I want. I know that she's announced her own feelings to me, and I've expressed mine. I've formally announced my courtship with her here in Scotland.

I don't know how this will affect Berk. The people will be surprised. I know that Merida's mother is ecstatic. Finally her daughter has fallen for someone.

Mother, Merida must marry to become Queen. And if she doesn't marry this month, she'll lose her crown. She loves her people and her kingdom. She does want the crown. I want to give it to her.

It may seem rash or sudden, but I know that if I don't take her hand now, I will never get the chance. Someone else would wed her, an arranged marriage.

I can't let this happen. Merida is the other half of my soul, she completes me. I can't just let someone else snatch her up, just for the crown and not her.

I'm going to marry her, if she will accept me. Originally I thought the gods hated me. But everything that has happened to me led me to Merida.

I hope you approve. I hope you will be happy with my choice. And although I love you Mom, nothing on Berk will keep me from chasing my heart. From marrying Merida.

Your Son,
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III

So that was Hiccup's letter to Valka. FEELS ARE KILLING RN.

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