Chapter 4

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I woke up from my bed and the feeling of cold washed over me as the yellow rays of light peeked through my window and hit me directly in my eyes. I grunted and pulled the covers above my head, until I felt a presence in my room.

Slowly, I reached under my pillow and began searching for my weapon but to no avail due to my weapon no longer being there.

Then something metal touched the back of my head and I instantly knew what was going on.

Someone stole my gun and was now holding me at gunpoint.

"Don't try anything," I recognized the voice to be Nia's which caught me off guard. Did I actually come to the wrong house assignment and set myself up? No, that wasn't it because I would have been contacted by HQ already due to me not checking in to the right home. "You sleep way too hard. Get up, it's time for breakfast," she said as she moved the gun away from my head.

For someone to be so small, she sure was tough. What else would I expected from an I.N.T.E.L. agent.

I got up and the cold air hit my bare chest causing me to shiver slightly and I had to keep myself from pulling the blanket back over my head, but managed to get up and stretch a bit.

My body slowly became accustomed to the cold and I put a shirt on, then walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth.

Once done, I walked downstairs and saw both Nia and Zuri watching the news from the kitchen table. The news showed another death due to gang violence which made me think about the fight club.

Zuri and Nia both had a look on their faces that I never seen an I.N.T.E.L. agent wear before which confused me. From what my superiors told me, that was a look of sadness, but I.N.T.E.L. agents didn't feel sadness or remorse. So why were Nia and Zuri both looking like that.

"Ready for a debrief and breakfast?" Zuri questioned then smiled. The same warm smile that she always wore.

I nodded my head, sat down, and began the debriefing. Again, I skipped the parts that didn't seem appropriate to share, such as me and Malissa touching. I also left out the part about Malissa knowing about I.N.T.E.L.

They simply nodded their heads and went back to eating and watching the news.

"You know, you should probably check and see how often Olivia goes to that fight club," Nia said without even looking at me. "It could be connected with some of the drug activity in the area. Those same drugs could be connected to some of the gangs that are after her family."

"Possibly," I said while nodding my head. Nia was absolutely right and I haven't really thought about it much. 

"Are you going back to that fight club?" Nia asked.

Zuri jumped into the conversation. "That's a great question," said as she got up and placed her hands on my shoulders. "You will have to build up your rep now that you're a champion."

"Not interested."

"Come on, Jake," Zuri pouted. "You have no idea where this could probably take you while you are protecting Olivia, especially if she goes over there often."

Nia smirked. "She's probably a drug addict."

"Don't talk about her like that!" I snapped on accident and my eyes widened as I realized what I did. "I-I'm sorry." Zuri smiled as she looked at me which confused me, but regardless I opened my mouth and awaited my punishment.

"Jake, close your mouth. We won't be punishing you because we aren't above you," Nia said while sipping her cup of coffee.

I closed my mouth and tilted my head in confusion. "But your rank is-"

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