Chapter 2

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My first day of class started in the middle of the semester so Zuri woke me up early so that I could have a good first impression. So I hurried to my car, opened the trunk, and grabbed the clothes that I.N.T.E.L. prepared for me, and got ready for my first day of school.

I looked up at the birds that were sitting on the powerlines and instantly knew what was happening. One bird in particular had its eyes on me the entire time I was outside, so I acted as casual as possible and walked into the house to finish getting ready for my first day of school.
According to my schedule, my first class on Monday was at eleven in the morning and another class followed. This was the same exact schedule that Olivia has and my excuse will be that I am also a psychology major so it's no big deal to have the same classes.
After telling my new fake family to have a nice day, I drove myself to school where I was amazed to see how big this school was and equally as amazed to see how many people looked like me at this institution.

Even when given my mission, I didn't even think about what the school was going to be like. The grass was cut nicely with the school symbol on multiple buildings. There were dorms, apartments, cafes, and classroom buildings, research buildings, and many more.

I was at a real college.

After finding a place to park, I locked my doors and immediately went to my class until I suddenly became insecure about what I was wearing. Many people were in designer clothes with jewelry on, whereas I only had a white t-shirt, a green hoodie, some black sweatpants, and black sneakers. So I hurried to my classroom as fast as I could without making a scene.

The classroom was absolutely huge with an insane number of students inside. Most of them looked like me. The desks reached from one side of the room to the other but were slightly curved so that all students could see the giant white projector screen in the front of the classroom.

As I scanned the room, getting a look at every camera, every computer screen, and every cell phone I could possibly find, I saw her.

Olivia Griffin.

Light brown skin, long black curly hair, dark brown eyes, and a nose ring. She was wearing a blue crop top shirt with a blue jean jacket along with black tights that fit her sitting down figure perfectly.

There was no mistake that it was her.

She was sitting down in the middle of all of her friends who were in the files. Zach, Nicki, and Anita.

I sat directly in front of them so that I could hear anything they were discussing, but regretted it as soon as I sat down. I should have sat behind them so that I could see any of her text messages, but unfortunately I was already sitting down so it was too late for me now.

The teacher began her lecture as soon as everyone looked comfortable enough, but it was boring and all the information she was giving was only a ruse that wouldn't help them in their career fields. The only way to learn something was to actually be there and learn it which is why jobs have a training system and internships.

Classrooms were only there to keep society in order, but with the decreasing number of male college attendees, I.N.T.E.L.L would have to make some changes to balance things out.

"Liv, are you going to the fight club tonight?" Zach said from behind me and I instantly wrote down fight club in my notes. Zach had light brown skin with a fade along with one earring in his left ear. Zach wasn't tall and he was definitely on the skinnier side of the spectrum.

"Probably, depends on who's fighting tonight," Olivia said quietly and her voice sounded like heaven. How come everything she did blew my mind? The way she tucked her long curly hair behind her ear, the way she crossed her legs when she was sitting down, and even the way she rolled her pencil through her fingers.

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