"Shut up. Don't tell me about how great he is, I'm not in a mental state where I can handle it," Donghyuck grumbled, raking his hands through his hair. Renjun just snorted.

"What? You don't want to hear anything else about the man you have a little crush on?"

"What? No!" Donghyuck said quickly, sitting up and fixing Renjun with a hard glare. "I don't have a crush on him. I don't even like him fully yet. He's still the jerk that kidnapped me, it's just... maybe a little bit of a cuter jerk than before. He's just a teensy bit less annoying now, that's all."

"Mhm-hmm," Renjun hummed, sounding utterly unconvinced as a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, "ultimately that proves to be a good thing for you though, right? Maybe you will find it less unpleasant to be around him now."

"Yeah. I guess," Donghyuck huffed, tucking himself even deeper into the little cocoon he had formed for himself using the blanket, "I don't wanna go soft though. I don't want him to think he's won or anything, you know? I'm still going to fight against him and his stupid courtship."

"I'm sure he would never expect anything less from you," Renjun grinned, leaning forward to pat Donghyuck on the head, "I am relieved you are feeling better, though. You seem to be a little less rattled now, thinking about the king seemed to provide a good distraction."

"A distraction, exactly," Donghyuck said, with determination that he didn't really feel, "just a distraction, nothing more. Not a crush, no feelings other than the basic gratefulness that I'm still alive because of him. Nothing deeper than that."

"If that is what you prefer to believe," Renjun chuckled, his hand lingering on the back of Donghyuck's head, fingers threaded gently in his hair, "do you want to try to get some rest now? Shall I leave the room?"

The idea of being left alone in the dark made Donghyuck flinch a little. Even if thinking about Mark had been effective in diverting his attention, the emotional wound of the attack was still very fresh and raw, leaving him feeling easily frightened and vulnerable.

"Don't leave, please," he whispered, a tad embarrassed. Renjun just gave him a knowing smile and nodded.

"Of course. Let me set up a place for me to sleep a next to your bed, then I will turn out the lights for you."

"I'm sorry," Donghyuck mumbled, playing with the hem of his sleeve self consciously, "you'd probably be much more comfortable sleeping in your own bed, in your own room."

"Do not apologize, Donghyuck. I highly doubt I would've slept well in my room, I would have worried about you too much," Renjun said sincerely, giving Donghyuck a reassuring smile as a group of maids helped bring in a sleeping mat to place next to Donghyuck's bed, as well as a set of blankets and pillows. Donghyuck watched wearily, sitting on his knees as he peered over the edge of his own bed.

"I don't suppose you'd say yes if I offered you to sleep in my bed instead and for me to take the mat, right...?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I couldn't let you sleep on the floor," Renjun scoffed, as if the very idea offended him greatly, "you may be my friend now, but you are still my queen. It would be entirely improper for you to allow your servant to sleep in your bed while you slept on this dingy old mat."

"You care so much about what's proper," Donghyuck scoffed, leaning back as Renjun finished setting up his bedding, "don't you ever just let loose? Have fun?"

"There is hardly any place for fun when you've dedicated your life to servitude," Renjun replied easily, as if it were just a widely accepted fact. Hearing his answer just made Donghyuck feel sad for him, and he distantly wondered if Renjun would have been happier somewhere like his world, where he was free to do what he wanted.

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