Chapter 2

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Stupid Boys Talking And Doing Stupid Boy Things

Lizzie - Age 13

"They are so hot Stef, I can't believe that you get to see them all the time!  And they're in their freaking bathing suits!"  Stef and I are hiding in her bedroom, looking out the window and perving at Jack and his friends as they mess around in the pool.  We have been crushing on her brothers friends for a few years, not crushing on Jack, obviously.  Since he's Stefs brother and that would be sick, and he might as well be my brother since I'm here all the time, so gross on looking at Jack in a 'hot guy' way, but man, Mac, Cooper, Parker, Luke and Slater are soooo cute!  Great hair, muscles on top of muscles, stupidly hot grins, and enough bad attitude to make us melt.

We can hear only a little of what they're saying, but being far away along with them kind of whispering, it's super obvious that they must be up to something.  They are wild, like really wild, and much of what we've learned about high school life has come from sneaking around and watching what they get up to, it's totally worth it. because they get up to trouble A LOT and OFTEN, and most of the time they get caught doing their stupid stuff.  Stef holds her fingers up to her lips in the 'quiet' gesture and I follow her out the room.  Sneaking down the stairs and hallway, we softly enter the downstairs bathroom, and with the window already open we can hear just about everything they are saying.

"My parents, Stef and Lizzie are leaving in about an hour, they'll be gone until at least 10:00 tonight.  As soon as they're out of the driveway Savanna and her crew will come over.  Savanna says that they'll bring the drinks and the bud, we can party for a few hours, then they'll leave, my parents will then come home, we'll be relaxed and all will be cool."  Jack smiles and leans back, proud of his plan for the day. I'm sure the guys are happy, Savanna and her friends are not just slutty and bitchy, but they also generously share their slutty and bitchy selves with the guys.

"You're sure your whole family is going?  Even the girls?  Why would they leave you here?  They don't usually trust you."  And those questions right there are why Coop is the smart one in their group, probably the only smart one in the group.  The rest of guys would just be happy with the upcoming party, Coop wants to make sure the party will actually happen and not get their stupid horny asses busted again.  

"Lizzie has some modeling thing to go to, my mom and dad don't want her to go alone, my dad already checked everything out and the job is legit, but he and my mom want to make sure she's ok.  Her mom sure as fuck isn't gonna take care of Lizzie.  I swear Ronnie may be hot, but she's a bitch, especially to Lizzie."  Jack shakes his head in disgust, even a stupid 16 year old guy knows my mom is a nightmare.  I look at Stef, because as awful as my mom is, I really don't want other people knowing how much she hates me, it's so embarrassing.  Stef looks at me with a sad expression, then holds my hand.

 "How the fuck did someone as hot as Ronnie spit out someone as fuckin homely as Lizzie?  I mean that girl has those giant freaky fucking eyes, one's purple, the other one's blue, and she's so fuckin skinny, and no god damn tits?  Ronnie may be a bitch, but her bod is crazy!  Huge mother fuckin tits, and damn, that ass!  Lizzie is flat and skinny as fuck, she looks like a 10 year old boy!"  My heart pounds in my chest, and tears flood my eyes.  I try not to cry out as we listen to Mac detail all my very obvious shortcomings and laugh his stupid ass off.  Stef pulls me into a hug and whispers to me.

"He's an idiot, you're gorgeous, your eyes are so pretty, you're lucky to have purple and blue eyes, have you ever seen someone with eyes as beautiful as yours?  I never have!"  She tries to ease me away from the window, but I pull back, I want to hear the jack ass continue, so I can get rid of my stupid crush forever, and put Mac and his big mouth in the trash heap where I try to keep Ronnies mean words.

Lizzie And MacOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora