~Chapter Nine: Truth~

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"King Bakugo? You asked for me?" Shinso asked with his usual low, tired tone.

"Yes, I did. We need to talk." Bakugo spoke bluntly as he walked away to a private room, the hypnotist following not far behind.

"Why have you called for me, sir?" Shinso asked once the door was shut.

".... I need you to hypnotize Y/n." Bakugo told.

"What? The Queen? Why?" He narrowed his sleep-deprived gaze.

"She isn't herself... Something's up. Something she isn't telling me or can't tell me. Either way, the League of Villains did something to her that I can't fix on my own. I think they might be using her as some kind of puppet... A stand in. Someone within power in the castle. What for, I don't know.. But I think if you hypnotize THAT Y/n, then the real Y/n will be given the ability to speak her mind without being interrupted. Can you do that?" He asked. Shinso sighed and kneeled.

"I'll do whatever it takes to get our queen back. You have my word..." He promised in a low voice.

"Good. Now to get her out and in a secret room. Someplace empty." Bakugo thought for a moment. "And I got just the place." He smirked.


Y/n awoke with a start, her hands tied behind her back as she was set in a chair. She looked around to see she was in an empty room with a single light.

"Hello?" She called.

"What is your name." A tired voice asked from the shadows.

"Y/n L/n." She answered suspiciously.

"Wrong..." A growl emerged from the shadows before Shinso stepped out with Bakugo not far behind.

"Since it hasn't kicked in yet, it should in a few minutes." Shinso told, earning a nod from Bakugo.

"What...? What'd you do to me?! Kats, what'd he do?!" Y/n demanded, earning a sharp glare from the King.

"And three..." Shinso stared deep into her eyes. She started struggling, trying to escape, but Bakugo got behind her, forcing her to stare at Shinso. "Two...."

"WAIT. WAIT STOP!" Y/n begged, trying to escape Bakugo's tough grasp.

"One...." Shinso snapped his fingers, Y/n going limp. "Y/n... if you can hear me... tell us your name..." Y/n's breathing grew quick before she took a deep breath, throwing her head back and panting. Bakugo gazed at her, concerned. "Y/n. I ask again. What is your name."

"...... Queen... Y/n... Bakugo..." She growled before gasping. "WAIT I CAN TALK AGAIN!" She got excited and tugged on the restraints, groaning softly as it chafed her wrists. "Ow..." She whined softly before her breath hitched, her lips making contact with Bakugo's. She sighed and relaxed, kissing back best she could.

"Damn I've wanted to do that since you disappeared... What's going on? Why haven't you been acting like the Y/n I know until Shinso hypnotizes you?" He asked, clearly worried.

"I told you... I'm being hunted by demons... Hard to say if they're mine or not... They've been trying to kill me ever since I was taken. I was trying to reach you earlier, but you didn't take it the way I wanted you to..." Y/n explained.

"Oh, god, Y/n, what did they do to you..."

"The league injected something into my blood... I'm pretty sure when I'm not like this, I'm under their control... I still don't know their plan, but I suspect they're trying to take over Buraddo Mūn..." She looked at her lap, her wolf ears lowering.

"Hey, hey, hey... Don't think for a second this is your fault..." Bakugo lifted her chin before kissing her head. "You're still with me, remember...? And when we're together?"

"We're unstoppable." Y/n smirked softly.

"There she is..." He muttered.

"So how are we gonna fix this?" Y/n asked.

"Well, seeing as it's been a week, more or less, since you were injected, it'd be futile to try to get it out of your system..." Shinso sighed, thinking hard as he glanced around the room.

"Maybe we could try to just let whoever this is do their thing, try to get information as time progresses, and we talk strategy when I'm asleep. Apparently, I can reach this world when the other me is unconscious, which is why I was able to semi-reach Bakugo earlier tonight. So once the sun's up and I'm asleep, I can reawaken as myself and interact with everyone until the sun's down." Y/n smiled softly, as her plan formed in her head.

"Yeah, but at that rate, I'd never get sleep..." Bakugo grumbled.

"I never get sleep, my King. I think you'll live." Shinso rolled his eyes, earning a soft growl from the blond.

"How long's it been since we last ate...?" Y/n groaned softly as her stomach practically roared.

"Well, the other you hasn't been eating much lately and I've tried, but I've been too busy attempting to interact with the b*tch..." Bakugo admitted. "It's almost like we're back at square one when we first met up again."

"Oh yeah. Food was scarce for you, too. I almost forgot about all that." Y/n chuckled at the strange memories. The amount of times Vex would take over due to her excessive hunger. "Uhm... c-can we eat now?" Bakugo perked up.

"Of course, anything." He cupped her cheek with his calloused hand, making her lean into it and close her eyes.

"God, I've missed this..." She muttered. Shinso sighed and walked out of the room.

"I'll meet you guys in the dining room. Can't have the other Y/n taking back control now, can we?" He called. Bakugo sighed and started untying Y/n. Once she was freed, she leapt up and hugged him tightly.

"How long's it been..." Y/n asked soflty.

"Almost a week or longer..." Bakugo muttered.

"Let's stay like this until the moon rises again..."

"You know we can't do that..."


"Because they'll catch on and things might get worse."

"Mmm.." Y/n grumbled until Bakugo gave her another kiss, letting it last as long as she wanted before they both pulled away, softly gasping for breath. "I miss you, Kat..." She cuddled into him, taking in his warmth.

"I miss you, too..." He whispered, holding her close before taking her hand and walking them to the dining room, where he feasted on his spicy curry and she scarfed down her meat like the animal she'd grown up to be.

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