~Chapter Two: A Night of Comfort~

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"..... Sorry..?" Bakugo breathed in slight shock, but as if he'd let the stoic opposing king know that.

"They escaped from Satin's Scythe just last night. We've been searching everywhere, trying to get witnesses or clues as to where they could be, but we could only find footprints leading to the forest. A while into the woods, they just... vanished." Said king explained.

"They must've used that damn Kurogiri or whatever his dumb name is..." Bakugo muttered in frustration.

"K-Katsuki...?" I peaked from around the corner. He turned to face me with concern. "Are we safe...?" I ask, knowing damn well it was a dumb question.

"Y/n..." He started and walked up to me. He cupped my cheek and crouched until he was slightly beneath my head. "We'll be fine, I promise... You got me to protect you and you can fight just as well as you used to, despite... everything. We'll keep the kingdom safe like we have in the past." He spoke gently to me, knowing my emotions were heightened due to my species and mood-swings. I whined softly, worry taking over my emotions.

"Y/n... Everything will be fine. You can count on us to keep you from harm." Todoroki assured me. I smiled softly.

"... I love you, dammit... Don't you ever forget that..." Bakugo whispered to me before connecting his slightly chapped lips with mine. My tail lashed slowly behind me and I hugged him tightly, feeling the need to keep him close to me. I'd never once felt safe until I was around him and I wasn't going to let him go anytime soon.

"I... love you, too..." I muttered. He let out a breathy chuckle before petting my ears and looking at Todoroki once more.

"We'll need patrols searching the area in groups of five, both of us. Who knows what those idiots will do..." He snarled. Todoroki nodded in agreement.

"Done. I'll leave you and Y/n to your thing." Todoroki gave me a side glance and a soft smile before turning and closing the door behind him. I chuckled softly, as I did enjoy when he teased Bakugo, let alone when he showed me his real smile.

"I swear, sometimes I wonder if you like that Half and Half more than me." I looked at Katsuki, offended by his words.

"Sorry, did I not just tell you I love you?"

"Always with the arguing with you.." Katsuki teased.

"You said I stand my ground. You know how defensive I am!" I point at him accusingly.

"Alright, alright. You got a point." His chuckle made my face flush. "You talking about you having such an effect on me, you don't even realize how much of an effect I have on you. So much as a simple chuckle gets you all red in the face." He laughed.

"Shut up, Sparky..." I scoffed. I smirked at the new nickname I had yet to bestow upon my husband.

"Wrong. You're thinking of Dunce Face."

"Chargebolt?" I questioned.

"Walking charger." I laughed at the nickname. "C'mon... I want time with you..."

"You've gotten it for the past two hours." I smirk at him, knowing he can be clingy at times.

"Not the time I want..." He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his face in the crook of my neck. I blushed, but smiled, feeling at home with the people and creatures I love.

"Alright... Let's go to our room, then. Ay Kiri! We'll be back down in a bit! Help yourself to some food if you want!" I call.

"Got it, Queen!" Kirishima called back. I could tell he was secretly holding a smug look on his face, telling me he was going to tease the pomeranian a bunch afterwards. With that, we both walked up the stairs to our room and flopped on the bed. I let out a grunt, as I landed wrong on the bed, instantly worrying Bakugo.

"No no! I'm fine, really. Just landed awkwardly." I tried to assure him.

"You don't know how to relax, do you..." He stated before pulling me into him, hugging me and spooning me like he did when he wanted to feel like he was protecting me. I always found it adorable and very comfy.

"Yeah, well, neither do you." I huff before curling into him. I let out a sigh, knowing until the villains are found, I'm going to be dangerously on edge and paranoid. Nevermind anxious. That only meant my flinching will get slightly worse, I'll be more jumpy and it won't be healthy for the pups... Dammit, why now of all times...? Then again... it would be far worse if it happened any later...

"You're overthinking again, aren't you..." I heard the male against me grumble.

"Why wouldn't I..." I defend. He growls in response. How am I the werewolf?

"Ugh.. you're just like damn Deku..."

"But~ I don't cry nearly as much." His silence made my ears perk up. "OI!"

"I'm just saying, your mood swings are kind of a problem." He chuckles softly.

"Well, they won't be eventually." I huff. He simply chuckles again, giving me a,

"Sure, Teddy Bear... Whatever you say... Goodnight." I blush at the soft nickname.

".... Night, KitKat..." I mutter back before letting the subtle, steady heartbeat of Katsuki and his rhythmic breathing lull me to sleep, letting darkness take me away to whatever dream or nightmare awaits me this time.

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