~Chapter Four: Damage~

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A/n: Soooo needless to say this image has meaning 😂

It took everything in me not to scream at everyone that approached me. Y/n's disappearance happened only a day or two prior to my self isolation and my patience was growing ever so thin. No one has seen me like this in years and even the townsfolk are getting concerned. I don't blame them, but I hate how they're worrying about me when they should be worrying about their queen and future heirs to the throne. I'm sitting on my bed in my room when I hear knocking on the door. Probably Kirishima trying to get me to eat again.

"Bakugo? I have your lunch." What do you know. "Can I come in?"

"King Bakugo, you haven't had the substitute since Queen Y/n disappeared. This is not healthy for a royal vampire such as yourself." I heard one of my butlers with him. I groaned in annoyance and instead just buried my head in my pillow, looking at the empty pillow beside me. I hid my face in the cushion and took in her scent. I never felt more compelled to cry until right now...

"...Bakugo...?" Kirishima cautiously opened the door to my room but I noticed the silence hit when he froze. "Awh... Bakugo... Come on, man... Who slaughtered King Endeavor?! Who got Y/n out of her shell and helped her fight her ex?! HAH?"

".... Shut up, Kiri.... I shoulda kept my eye on her... shoulda... had the guards to watch..." I mumbled.

"mhmjbaudnehxns— What'd you say, I couldn't hear you over the sound of PATHETIC MOURNING. She's not dead, bro! If she was, you wouldn't even be here."

".... I feel nothing.." I snarl. "You say she isn't dead? Why do I feel like this, then?"

"Because she's probably sleeping right now. Plus you're depressed right now. The Bakugo I know goes headfirst into battle! He doesn't just let his loved ones get taken! Come on, man! THROW A PUNCH!" Kirishima made a punching motion, which made me raise an eyebrow.

"There was barely a scent trail. You think I wouldn't kill to go after her? I'm not gonna blindly search for her in a place she isn't even near." I snarl. "It'd be a damn waste of time..."

"DUDE WHO EVEN ARE YOU ANYMORE?? THIS IS NOT KING BAKUGO KATSUKI. Get your lazy a** off your filthy bed, get something to eat, clean yourself up, go out there AND FIND WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS! YOUR KIDS' LIVES ARE ON THE LINE!" Kirishima shouted. I widened my eyes. My heart pounded in my chest thinking about them. If I didn't do something now, I might never even get to see them... Why have I been just sitting here? This really wasn't me. Bakugo Katsuki doesn't sit around, hoping everything will turn out one way or another. He takes a stand, and makes his own destiny! He doesn't sit back! He takes what's his and gets justice!

"Damn... So this is why kings always have steeds. What would I do without you, Sh*tty Hair." I chuckle lowly, sitting up and jumping out of bed. Kirishima stuttered, happy I was getting up for once, as I shifted and flew around the castle, getting the things I needed. I was still learning to control my wild side, like Y/n, but I was sure I could let go of control for a while. Just to find Y/n. And maybe kill whoever caused all this. The kingdom and Kirishima know it doesn't take much to convince me of things, but this was no exception. I made up my mind quicker than ever. I'm saving my soon-to-be family, and no one is going to stop me.

"Let's try to pick up her scent again. Maybe we just missed a spot?" Kirishima suggested. I doubted it, as I did have everyone in the damn castle searching for her from sunset to moondown, but I decided to double-check every area of the forest I could.

"Fine. You coming or what?" I looked back at Kirishima, who gave me his signature, toothy grin before following after me outside the castle and into the forest. The first place I wanted to look was where she was last scented that night... Our cliff. I knew I'd damaged myself internally a bit from not eating or sleeping much to just being depressed and anxious, but I had to get over it and actually make some progress before I went and tried to heal myself. I'd never be fully healed, though... until Y/n was back in my arms. Back in our castle. Back in my life. I'd already scoured half the forest when I realized I was close to Half-and-Half's kingdom. I stopped in my tracks to see a few guards running at me. I rolled my eyes, surprised they didn't recognize me until I lifted them into the air and slammed them back down to the forest floor.

"GAH- Haa! Haah...!" Their groans satisfied me and I was soon met with IcyHot's two-toned gaze.

"Bakugo. I would appreciate it if you didn't harass my soldiers." His voice was like a damn cheese grater.

"Not my problem right now. Any sign of her?"

"Afraid not. But we did figure out the other scents that surrounded her own. The bad part is... it's nothing good..."

"Well spit it out already! I wanna know the damn dumba**es who thought it was a good idea to kidnap my queen!" I demanded.

"... The League. Particularly Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, Kurogiri, and Dabi." I felt rage rise in me. Faster than normal. My blood rushing and roaring in my ears.

"DAMMIT! And right after I told her everything was going to be fine! They're gonna PAY for this!" I shouted in anger. I'd never been more furious than anything. This was a new feeling... but I liked it.

"We have to be cautious. Don't forget, their magics are very powerful. Remember when they attacked the first time?"

"Yeah, yeah, as if I could forget! First they had the guts to attack us head-on, and now they think they can just waltz into my forest and take my wife?! I don't give a damn what you think, once I find them, I'm torturing them 'till their last breaths!" I threatened. "Get in my way and I can't promise you won't have the same fate..."

"No need to be irrational, Bakugo. Don't forget, she means a lot to me, too. I won't stop you from whatever you do to them." For once I was glad IcyHot was on my side.

"Then let's find their damn hideout and show them we don't take sh*t from anyone..."

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