~Chapter Seven: I Feel Alive When I Walk Among the Dead~

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(Chapter named after a JT Music lyric. Lyric from: Nothing Like the Rest)

3rd POV

The moon arose on the second day of Y/n's return to the Buraddo—more commonly known as the Bakugo—Castle. The young king couldn't get her empty gaze out of his head. He barely slept throughout the daylight, making him anxious every time she murmured in her sleep or shifted. Throughout the day, she hadn't tried to cuddle him in her sleep. She barely came near him. This only fueled his suspicions and worry, terrified of what the League might have done to his Queen Bakugo. When the moon finally showed itself in the night sky, he got to his feet and made his way to a room he'd rarely ever gone to, let alone showed Y/n.

"Bakugo? What're you doing here? You almost never—" The king cut off his bartender with his hand.

"Bloody Mary. Now." He demanded. He wasn't sure what drink he usually got whenever he came here, but that one seemed right. He did need something blood related to keep him going. The bartender sighed before making the king his drink.

"Sir, are you alright..?" He asked, cleaning a glass with a damp cloth. Bakugo took a swig of his drink before slamming it down.

"Y/n... she's acting weird... The League did something to her, but I don't know what and I doubt she'd tell me..." He growled.

"Give her time, sir. Her emotions are overwhelming her, possibly. Don't forget. She's been through Hell, quite literally. Dead parents, burnt house, abused, manipulated, and now she might have been—"

"NO. If they touched her in that way, they're all getting early graves with no gravestones." Bakugo cut him off, not wanting to even imagine the possibility.

"Look, all I'm saying is, let her readjust to you. She loves you, sir, you know this. I understand how eager you are to get those magic abusers back in Satin's Scythe, believe me, but I know Y/n would be the same way. If you were hurt, she would put you above everything, even her own health. You already sacrificed your own health just to find her. Well, now you've got her. No matter what they did, just show her you care. Give her the affection she's always demanded of you. Make her feel like she's truly home." He explained. Bakugo wanted to speak, but he knew he was right. He sighed, taking another swig.

"I just wish she would look at me with emotion again... She's always done things with her heart rather than anything else and she always goes over-the-top with everything she does. Now that she's back home after suffering All Might knows what, it's like she's a different werewolf... She's not acting like my Y/n..." He looked at his glass with worry.

"She'll be okay, sir. She's your queen for a reason. She's toughened her way out of so much, she can do it again. As I said, give her time, sir."

"Mm.." He gave a brief nod of understanding before finishing his drink and passing it back to the bartender. "I'm gonna try to spend the day with her. Just us. And uh... thanks." He said before he walked out. Thankfully, he hadn't stayed long or gotten drunk. He made his way back to their room and sat beside Y/n, who groaned softly and barely opened her eyes. "Hey, baby... How you feeling?" He rested his hand on hers.

"mmm... Scared..." Y/n opened her eyes in shock.

"Yeah... I don't blame you... How about we have a day to ourselves? Just us, no one else, hm?" The vampire gave her a soft smile. It took a moment before her eyes relaxed back into their emotionless state, making him worry a little.

"Y-yeah... that's sounds good..." She mumbled. He sighed through his nose before taking her hand and helping her out of bed.

"I was thinking we'd—"

Y/n's POV:

"—head over to the cliff we always hang out at and maybe howl for a bit? How's that sound?"


"NOOO!! I WAS SO CLOSE, DAMMIT! IT WORKED FOR A SECOND—" I yelled in surprise when another demon launched at me.

"Y/n, relax! Now we know it's possible to get to him despite whatever the hell Shigaraki and Dabi did!" It took some serious effort, but eventually, while Katsuki and I were 'asleep', Vex and I found out our attacker was Shigaraki. The leader of the League of Villains. I'd heard of him but never met him for obvious reasons.

"NO! HE HEARD ME BUT TOOK IT— Well, not wrong, but he didn't even bother to ask why!" I snarled, dodging and fighting the many demons that tried to attack me.

"Well, duh! He thinks you escaped from those League jacks and are still totally broken from it!"

"Pssh.. not that far off.." I rolled my eyes.

"Look, all we have to do is wait for us to fall asleep again! Then we can simply talk to him in our sleep!"

"And if he doesn't hear?"

"With his paranoid agh? Really?"

"Still! Dude, this isn't like everything else! I doubt Katsuki would be able to do jack sh*t even if he knew." I growled.

"At least he'd be trying! What would you rather him be doing? Trying to help you get back to normal and happy again or panic and get pissed off at the fact he can't save you from those THINGS? He's already cried over you enough already."

"He.. what?"

"Yeah. When he found your blood on the cliff from when they shoved that needle in your neck, he broke! He cares, Y/n. More than you think. The fact I know that better than you concerns me." Vex gave me a harsh glare as I dodged yet another pitiful attack.

"Weren't you just asking me to go with this plan of yours?"

"Yeah, but I'm saying—" she grunted as she fought another demon. "— it'd be better for him to know the truth than go through the next who KNOWS how long thinking you were insane because of them! You always hated being accused of things and you want this to be okay??"

"No! I just don't want him to get himself hurt! Besides. I'll find my own way out. As terrifying as this is, it's fun getting to fight without him telling me to lay off on the exercise because of the twins." I smirked, landing a punch on a demon's face. Vex sighed and looked back at the 'screen,' showing only remorse in her faintly glowing, dark red eyes.

"It won't last long... I can promise you that... I just hope it will be long before whoever's controlling us does something drastic..."

Day Two: Breakthrough

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