Family Reunion

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Erinna was sound asleep even with the sun rays coming through the window. Erinna only groaned when she heard Rex repeatedly barking. For some reason, her room had become his room. She didn’t mind until it came to morning.

Erinna suddenly awoke with a cramp in her stomach, and she knew how it felt to have an upset stomach. This time it was different. Sitting up fast, Erinna lifted the covers to find what she feared. Blood covered her nightie. She should have known better since it was that time of the month.

Reacting fast, Erinna ran to the bathroom, stripping off her nightie and underwear; Erinna threw them in the hamper. She then got in the shower as quickly as she could. She started the shower and waited for the hot water to soothe her mind.

Heather walked up to her daughter’s room to wake her up. She opened the door only to see Rex whining and walking in circles. She couldn’t help but smile since this was Rex’s behavior when Erinna was not giving him enough attention. Heather then looked at the unmade bed and frowned. The messy bed was unusual for her daughter, who won’t leave her bedroom without making her bed.

She was about to look for Erinna when she heard the water running. The way Erinna’s bed was left messy made her feel uneasy. Feeling relief, Heather walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. “Princess? Are you in there?” Heather called out.

“Yes, Mommy,” Erinna cried, tears running down her eyes. She didn’t even know why she was crying. She remembered Heather explaining that the menstrual blood would wash off and that she needed to be careful. Heather did explain that accidents happen, and it’s more natural since Erinna is not used to it yet.

Sensing something weird in her daughter’s tone, Heather had to press on. “Are you ok, sweetie? Do I need to come in?” While she knew it would be embarrassing for Erinna to be in the bathroom with her daughter, she would do it if it would ensure her daughter’s safety.

Taking a second to calm herself down and not cause her mom a panic attack, Erinna replied. “I am ok, Mommy,” Erinna answered. The last thing she wanted was for her mom to start panicking.

Heather could tell that Erinna was unharmed, but she was unconvinced that she was ok. Heather spotted a small red stain under the covers on Erinna’s bed. Removing the covers, Heather was shocked to see that the small stain was a much larger bloodstain. Trying to calm herself down and not freak out, Heather took a deep breath before realizing what day it was. “Oh, Princess,” Heather exclaimed softly, “I should have remembered.”

She immediately removed Erinna’s bedsheets, replacing them with a new set. She then moved to Erinna’s closet, taking out a bra and panties before piling up a dark blue long-sleeved velvet dress and white tights. Heather then picked one of Erinna’s kitten heels. She knows how dramatic Erinna can get while choosing her clothes, especially during this month’s time. 

She would probably scare kids her age with how tall she is with the two-inch kitten heels, but if Erinna loved them, then nothing else mattered. Picking up the underwear, Heather walked to the bathroom. “Princess, I am coming in with your underwear,” Heather announced before stepping into the bathroom.

Hearing this, Erinna cursed herself for forgetting to lock the door. She just hid in the bathtub, embarrassed. She watched as Heather left her underwear beside the sink. “Do you have your pads in here, or should I bring them?” Heather asked worriedly.

“I have them here….” Erinna started before pausing, realizing what her mom was saying. How did her mom know? She really couldn’t tell. “Wait! How did you know?” Erinna asked, looking at her with confusion.

Heather chuckled a bit before shaking her head. “You’re my daughter, and it’s been a month. Of course, I would know,” Heather exclaimed confidently.

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