Dinner Out

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Original Story by Lajien

Edited by Julia Miller

The Houstons entered their home together as a family.

“Boys, please change out of your uniforms and wear something casual,” said Jeff once they were all inside.

Heather followed Ryan to his room as he still hadn’t the privilege of choosing his clothes. Entering his room, Heather went straight towards his closet, chose a white sweater with skinny grey jeans, and left the bedroom so Ryan could change.

Ryan didn’t mind that much, and mom chose his clothes. The only problem was that everyone constantly mistook him for a girl. If he’s going to be mistaken for a girl, he may as well do what he likes. Ever since he was five, that was the reason he decided to let his hair grow.

He had always liked his mom’s hair. Silky and flowing with a beautiful golden shine. He was happy to have the same hair as his mom and wanted to have it long, just like his mom. That’s why Ryan didn’t mind being mistaken for a girl and decided to let it grow.

Short hair caused him more problems. People would give him weird looks. Some people at the salon where his mom goes, especially some older ladies, always asked Heather why she had kept her daughter’s hair so short. Of course, Heather couldn’t answer them. She wouldn’t even tell them that Ryan was a boy. 

No stranger had the right to make decisions for her son. She always made it clear that Ryan could have his hair as short as he wanted to, and they should mind their own business. Heather, however, didn’t tell them he was a boy as she considered it off-topic and wanted nothing to do with strangers interfering in her child’s life.

Ryan got dressed before putting on a pair of black sneakers. When he left his room, his long hair blocked his view and caused him to walk into the door frame. When his chest hit the door frame, Ryan felt like electricity ran through his body. His chest had been sore lately, but he hadn’t paid attention to it. But this time, he had never felt like that before.

With a sigh, Ryan brushed the hair away from his face and walked through the door.   He decided to tell his mom about this; maybe she could help him. Ryan also wanted to ask his mom to help him with his hair. Walking to his parent’s room, Ryan knocked on the door.

After Heather opened the door, Ryan saw his mom wearing a white sweater and gray skirt. She was wearing her outfit to match Ryan, only that Ryan’s clothes were obviously for boys. Heather knew that Ryan hated when people mistook him for a girl, so she thought maybe if his clothes were somewhat boyish, people would stop mistaking him for a girl. It never worked, but Ryan never complained.

“Is something wrong, sweetie?” Heather asked.

Ryan nodded. “My chest hurts a bit, and Mom, can you tie my hair back like you did last week?”

After listening to what Ryan said, Heather got a little worried. She used to love winter in the past, but now she hated it. Watching Ryan sick in bed while the other kids were playing or going to school was never a good thing to see. Ryan would spend most of the winter in bed. Sometimes he would even spend Christmas in bed. He seemed to have such a weak immune system.

Heather placed her hand on Ryan’s forehead to see if he had a fever, but he seemed okay. “You don’t have a fever; do you feel sick?” Heather asked.

Ryan shook his head as several hair strands appeared in his eyes. Heather couldn’t help but chuckle as Ryan adjusted his hair to stop blocking his vision. 

“Not fair,” Ryan pouted as Heather laughed.

“Okay, come inside. Let me look at your chest, and then I will fix your hair,” Heather said.

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