Haircut, Brandi's Secret

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Everyone filled the van as they were ready to go to breakfast. Again, George found himself stuck with everyone waiting to get into the crowded van. He decided to go in the car with Erwin instead.

"Alright, has everyone buckled their seatbelts?" Carol asked from the front seat while adjusting the mirror.

As Carol hit the road, Nancy leaned over and whispered something that surprised her but made her smile.

"Is that so? Then a special young lady needs special treatment on a special day like this," Carol replied, looking in the mirror directly at Erinna.

Erinna was a special and unique child who cared for everyone around her before thinking about herself. Carol was impressed by her ability to assess a situation and quickly act accordingly. Erinna was also special because Carol considered her to be her second daughter. She had spent many times caring for her when she was sick, almost as much as Heather.

They reached their destination, the same restaurant and coffee shop the Houstons used for breakfast when they ran in the morning. Carol parked the van, and Erwin parked the car just behind her. For George, it was a nerve-wracking ride. After he had asked for permission to date Nancy yesterday, having to ride beside Erwin was terrifying.

Jessica welcomed everyone when they entered the coffee shop, but her eyes were on George again. Nancy saw this immediately and didn't like Jessica's attention to George. Thinking quickly, Nancy took George's arm in hers, causing him to blush as his arm touched her chest. Jessica was envious of Nancy's display of affection as she guided everyone to their table. Jessica couldn't leave without making an embarrassing comment that made her little brother Steven blush.

"So, it seems little Stevie finally has some friends?" Jessica said, giving Steven a big kiss and making him blush to an even deeper shade of red.

"Jessi, please," Steven whined, causing everyone to laugh. Once she had all the orders except Steven's, Jessica left as she already knew what her brother loved to eat.

Jessica started bringing everyone their breakfast, including Steven. Jessica could see that Erinna had decided not to say anything about it, as she could ask Steven later. Once everyone had their breakfast, they started to dig in.

"So, George, do you mind if we kidnap Erinna for a bit?" Carol joked as everyone was finishing their food. She knew Heather would be in for a big surprise when Erinna returned. Carol also knew Heather wouldn't be happy not knowing or seeing her daughter before going home, but it was worth the surprise.

"Well, if you can explain to dad why his baby girl is not back with me, then I can't say no," George replied. George smirked at Erinna sitting beside Oliver, not realizing they held hands under the table. He knew that his dad was against the idea of his baby girl staying away from home, even if it was just a few houses and a five-minute walk away. When Erinna was still a boy, Jeff would also be concerned when Ryan was away from home, but now as Erinna, he was overprotective and didn't want his baby girl ever to leave home.

Blushing a bit, Erinna stuck her tongue out at George. It seemed she would always be the baby of the house, either boy or girl. That wouldn't change, and she wasn't sure if it would ever change. "I am not a baby," Erinna replied with a huff.

"You have to convince dad, not me." George shrugged and shook his head. He knew how much Erinna hated being the baby in the family, but still, it was fun to tease her from time to time.

After breakfast, everyone walked back to the van. Carol dropped Ron, Walter, and Dakota at their homes, but Steven stayed with her since they went to his mom's salon anyway. Jeff and Erwin were going to spend some time with the boys, so Connor's stepdad also decided to come. Oliver went home with Erwin and George and took Connor with them.

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