He's always there, but I can't tell who he is. I've never heard his name, and most of the time his face is ever so slightly blurred out, not enough that I can't see him clearly, but to the point where I can't make out the specific features.

One thing that gets me every time though, is just how much he reminds me of Skeppy.

In the way he moves, his bubbling laugh, the way his shiny black hair bounces with every step.

What makes it worse is that this mystery boy definitely seems to be more than a friend to me.

Unlike when I would have my nightmares, where it was almost always the same, each one of these dreams are completely different.

Sometimes, we'll be walking somewhere, hand in hand with two fluffy white dogs in front of us.

Sometimes, we'll be curled up on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms, or making a mess of the kitchen while trying to bake something.

For some reason, the dreams always seem to have something to do with what I did that day.

It doesn't take a genius to know that these are probably things that happened when I was alive, but why these memories are coming back all of a sudden is beyond me.

Either way, even the stress of the day can't stop me from smiling into the past as I fall asleep.

It's dark outside, but that doesn't stop us as we run giggling across the grass. The moon is out, and the sky is filled with endless amounts of stars.

The boy beside me falls to the ground, pulling me down with him.

The night is endless, but it's just the two of us in this empty world.

Unbothered by anything, we laugh and we kiss like there's no tomorrow. He peppers me with compliments and flirty remarks that leave me flushed and flustered.

As the night dies down, we stop messing around and just curl into each other, staring at the sky.

His arms are wrapped tightly around me, almost in a possessive way. One draped over my shoulders and the other circling my waist.

I can feel the dream fading out, but even as I'm left in darkness, the ghost of a voice can still be heard.

"I love you."

My eyes flutter open to a buzzing on my communicator.

Hoping it might be Skeppy, I pick it up, only to see almost a hundred messages from Quackity.

Reading through, it's almost all the same thing, 'I'm sorry,' and 'I wasn't thinking.' With a sigh, I drop the communicator on my bed and stand up to get ready for work.

As I'm getting dressed, a realization about my recent dreams dawns on me.

The boy who came through the gate a while ago, the one who cried at the sound of my voice and said he loved me...could that be the person I'm dreaming about.

So, this would leave me with two options. For one, maybe the boy wasn't lying and I was in love with a man named Zak. Or two, the interaction between us just triggered something, some way to try to explain what he was thinking.

As much as I want to say the second option is more likely, it can't just be a coincidence that multiple souls thought the same thing about my life.

That one soul who said he recognized Skeppy? He also said something about Zak and I.

I could just sound similar to the person they're thinking of, but with every explanation I have, my theories make less and less sense.

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Skeppy helps, of course. He always does.

It's funny because he doesn't actually do anything. He just sits there beside me, listening to me ranting on and on about the things happening to me.

When I start yelling or getting really emotional, he'll put a hand on my shoulder, or calmly direct me elsewhere. It works wonders, but just those words and gentle touches can't really fix anything. But it helps.

Once I have nothing left to say, and the two of us are sitting in silence, he tries to ask a question.

"You ok, Bad? You've just seemed really stressed lately, and last night you said you were tired, but I feel like there was something else to it. You can talk to me, you know."

He says it with a sweet smile that I can't resist, one that makes me spill everything.

"Sorry for ignoring you, Quackity and I got into a big fight and I just didn't have the energy to talk about it right then. I hope you understand."

He leans in to hug me. "Of course I understand, you don't have to tell me anything, but you always can."

"I know, thank you."

The more I talk to him, the more he seems like the boy from my dreams, in every little thing. I barely even know the boy from my dreams, yet it feels like I could recite any little detail about him. What he likes to do on a Friday night, his favorite soda. Random, meaningless things.

I barely know him, yet these dreams always bring a smile to my face, leave me giggling late into the night. I can't really deny how much I wish I could actually have someone like him.

Yeah, he's not the boy from my dreams, he's the boy of my dreams. It's too bad dreams aren't real.

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1569 Words

*End of Chapter 14*

Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't really know where to go with this T-T

Please vote if you liked this chapter :)

Remember to eat, drink water, and get sleep because you deserve it <3

Loved You In Another Life // A Skephalo StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang