Chapter 9

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Skeppy POV

It's not like after I lost my memory, I had any idea how my afterlife would turn out.

All I knew was that I hated my past self for being so insistent on one of the hardest jobs out there.

Now, I'm sure of two things.

One, maybe I don't hate my past self as much as I thought. And two, who ever thought my closest friend would be the demon I met a day ago whom I'm not even supposed to talk to.

At least I have something to look forward to when going to work every day.

It's a cycle that I've fallen into easily, maybe a little too easily.

A cycle where we have an unspoken agreement to both show up to work early, enough time to enjoy each other's presence.

And it's certainly not an unwelcome change. I have absolutely no friends outside of work, the rumors of me begging to have this job. A job where I have to work with the angel's enemies on the daily. 

Of course, I can't remember if these rumors are true or not, so I can't exactly discredit them. 

Who cares, though. I have Bad and he's really the only friend I need.  

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I've been a guardian for almost a month now, and Bad was right when he said it gets less emotional after a while. Already, it just feels like a routine, admitting people into either Heaven or the Nether. 

Sometimes, someone very young will come through and I'll get teary-eyed, but Bad has been great at comforting and distracting me. 

Perched on my usual cloud, my eyes follow the demon who has just arrived. "Hey, Bad!" 

He turns to face me and I plaster on a slight smile, waving at him. 

Bad tries to look annoyed, but I can tell he's happy to see me as he crosses the area to wrap me in a hug. 

"Good morning, you muffinhead." 

I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning onto his back. "Carry me, Bad!" 

He tries to pull me off, but I cling tight. "This is what happens when you're late! I missed you." 

"I'm literally an hour early, Skeppy!" Bad stops trying to pull me off, instead pulling his arms under my legs to hold me sturdy. 

I giggle, twirling strands of his hair between my fingers. "Am I only worth an hour of your time?" 

"No! I'm sorryyy, I'll come earlier tomorrow!" 

"You better." 

We fall into routine, Bad sorting through some papers, signing and reading a few things. It must be because I'm a lot newer to the job, but I don't have anything like that, so I just sit there, leaning on Bad's shoulder, dozing off. 

It's not like I need Bad to wake me, anyway. The bright flash of light jerks me awake and the giggling demon is helping me up. 

"That was priceless, but you seriously need to get more sleep." 

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get our job done." 

I've gotten a little more accustomed to the tidal wave of an entire life I'm greeted with for each soul, but it still sends a sharp pain through my head for a brief second. 

Mike Jones. Seventy-two years old, went out peacefully in his sleep. His wife died only a year before, so I doubt he'll be too reluctant to pass on. A good person in life, volunteering at animal shelters, donating to all kinds of charities, would babysit kids for free. No wonder he's going to heaven.

Loved You In Another Life // A Skephalo StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon