Chapter 8

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Badboyhalo POV

I wake up, exhausted as usual.

It's not exactly uncommon for me to be lacking in sleep lately, and Quackity forcing me to wild parties that go into the early morning doesn't help either.

Checking the time, I see I have less than an hour before work, and promptly shoot out of bed.

Rushing through a shower and a quick breakfast, I slip into my signature black cargo pants and red striped hoodie before taking off.

Quackity is still sleeping on my couch, hungover from last night, and I leave a note with some medication and water for him to wake up to.

I usually end up walking to work, wanting to enjoy the outside and calm feel of the morning, even if all I get to see is black stone and lava.

After a little over 15 minutes, I see the large building marking the entrance to the Nether, or in my case, the exit.

It's a boxy office building, with hundreds of demons working.

Some have jobs like me, taking the position on my off shifts, some are meant to welcome new demons, some organize population control, and many more.

As I make my way to my work locker, a few people wave and wish me a good morning, me returning the gesture.

Finding my way upstairs, I stuff my house keys and communicator in my small locker.

Back downstairs, a security line stretches across almost the entire first floor of the building. Demons wanting to visit earth for assignments, newcomers being admitted into the Nether, everyone has to be frisked down.

I step into the shorter line for leaving the Nether, noticing my friend, Minx in front of me.

She has the same daily job as me, just for a different part of earth. Neither of us are allowed to know where, but there's at least one demon and angel for every country in the world.

"Hi, Minx!" I tap her shoulder happily.

She turns to face me, a grin spreading on her face. "Bad! How's your day been treating you?"

"Normal, I guess. I had to take a very drunk Quackity back to my place last night, though. He really needs to learn responsibility."

She laughs, lightly slapping my shoulder. "Oof, that sucks. You should invite me next time though!"

"Next time." I nod.

We chat for a few more minutes, before arriving at the front of the line.

It's a somewhat complicated process, but I've been doing it for a while now, and am used to it enough that I'm able to get through quickly.

A quick scan to find our profile in the database, a few questions about our business out of the Nether, and a check on any bags, packages, or containers we're bringing with us.

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My job is one of the more difficult and time consuming ones, as well as quite confusing, but I've learned to love it.

Every time a new soul comes through, the two workers have their brain's rushed with information. All of a sudden, we know every detail of their life, their rights and wrongs, and where we need to send them.

It doesn't work perfectly, though. It's always been a bit fuzzy for me when seeing a life. Some details distorted, a memory or two hazy. The high demon doesn't care though, as long as I know where to send a soul, that's all that matters to the higher ups.

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