Chapter Six

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It had been two weeks since the last time he had seen Bria, and Alex was distraught. Since then all he thought about was her, and it was getting hard to do anything else. He kept telling himself it was one of those he couldn't have her so now he really wanted her situations. However no matter how he tried he couldn't stop pining for her. An internal conflict raged within him; he didn't want to be alone, but he didn't want to put her through what was to come. Then there was the scariest part, that he suspected this was more than not wanting to be alone. Because all he wanted was Bria, it felt like other women could just throw themselves at him, and all he would see was her. It had only been two weeks, but already not being around her hurt.

Alex stood there in front of the bowl where he kept his car keys. He had a strong temptation just to drive over to Bria's and tell her the truth. While he was debating, a final thought came into his head. You should be leaving this choice up to her, she's an adult. If she can't handle it then she will walk away, you have all to gain and nothing to lose. Agreeing with that sentiment Alex grabbed his keys and rushed out the door. While pulling out of the garage he nearly hit his mailbox in his haste.

_ _ _ _ _

Laying on her bed Bria stared at the ceiling, she had been feeling very down since she had parted ways with Alex. She had not discussed it with Dakota, but it wouldn't be hard for her to figure it out from all of Bria's moping. Before that day a few months ago Bria felt she had no reason to get out of bed in the morning. Then Alex came into her life, and it had meaning again. That had been a huge deal since she had lost every man she had ever been close to one way or another. It had been ten years since her last serious relationship, and that one had ended horribly. The irony was that Alex was the first one that had ever gone so far as to get into relationship trouble

Bria sighed and pulled the chain on the ceiling fan with her toes since she didn't want to get up. The truth was that almost every guy she had shown her secret to had not accepted it. That was just luck, or maybe she just knew how to pick them in that way. She turned off the TV since the tele novella was giving her a headache.

Besides the plot was horrible, how many secret lovers could one woman have?

The one thing that it all came down to was Alex also had a secret. That fact that they both hid something from the world made it feel like they had a unique bond. Truthfully Bria could not care what Alex's secret was, it could not be worse than hers right? The bottom line was she could accept him no matter what his secret was, due to the nature of her own. Satisfied that she had to try at least, Bria got out of bed and got dressed. She made it to the door and was putting on her shoes when she realized there was someone out front. Thinking it was a burglar she picked up a baseball bat Dakota kept by the door and looked out the window.

At first she couldn't tell who it was because it was night. Then her heart leaped when she realized that it was Alex on the front steps. He seemed nervous and looked like he was ready to bolt. She decided to wait to see if he bolted before opening the door. She waited for five minutes, wondering if he would ever move. Just when she was about to open it the door bell rang. On pins and needles, Bria waited a few seconds before opening the door.

"Oh hi Alex," she said casually trying not to give away she had known he was there.

"Hi," he smiled nervously back at her.

He didn't look quite right, and it seemed more than his nerves. He was slightly pale, and his eyes were drooping.

"Bria," he said hesitantly taking a deep breath. "There is something I need to share with you."

Her heart skipped a beat, was he going to share his secret? If he did, then she would have to share hers too. Normally that would give her anxiety, but this time she wanted to hear what he had to say so badly, she didn't feel nervous.

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