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Chapter 17 – Education

Upon closing her Weibo, Lisa decided to throw a few online coins at <Guard Against Marriage>. The novel had recently come to an end, and she intended to celebrate by purchasing the finale for this dog-blood dripping novel.

Only after logging in did she discover that the author had updated an entire 110,000 characters within the last three days! So this was what the hand speed of a Great God reaching their final destination was like! No wonder <Guard Against Marriage> proudly held fast to its seat upon the top ranking spot.
Seeing the long list of readers casting gold the author's way, Lisa suddenly felt a little embarrassed to be using mere bronze and threw out a few silver. Afterward, she took in a deep breath and heroically clicked on the last chapter, reminding herself in her heart to remain calm regardless of what might happen.

"At long last, we have complete possession of each other, down to each other's last breath.
My beloved,
I will bury you myself, underground.

Lisa: "......"

It was like a Hollywood blockbuster in its imagery and impact. Lisa sighed in admiration - Great God, was your master Wen Rui'an?!1 Also, did this mean that the two protagonists would continue to wreck havoc in the afterlife?!

...Could you at least let the dead rest in peace?

However, this time she left no comments. Instead, she closed out the app and took a nap.
The first class of the afternoon was physical education. As each student arrived, they headed directly to the field, so she didn't bother checking the classroom.

Sitting in her position, she leafed through the freshly handed in assignments from the previous class. She had to admit that Minho's work stood out among the other elementary school student paintings. He had the basic sketching skills down, handled the relationship between light and shadow well, and displayed the unique imagination of a young student in his overall composition.
Although his grades were not exemplary, his family was obviously still willing to enroll him in art class, which was quite open-minded of them. Most parents preferred their child to attend tutoring for subjects such as math, instead of art.

Personally, Lisa applauded his parents' decision. She felt that children should not be placed under great pressure so young, lest they turn into nutcases such as Jungkook upon reaching adulthood.

They had once discussed the upbringing of a possible future child. She had assumed that he would be a harsh and severe educator - though their child might not be admitted to college at the age of fourteen, like its father, surely there would be an expectation that they would enter by the age of fifteen. Jungkook had only looked flatly at her and said, "The genes of both parents should be taken into account when planning the future of a child."

Although he had often complained when Lisa did not understand the things he said, she was quite clear on when he was dissing her.

Thus, she had promptly hit him in the face with the cushion she was sitting on.

Although they had been married for a year, they had agreed to put off having children for a while due to her relative youth. But now, they might never have any children in this lifetime.

Flattening her lips, Lisa continued correcting the graffiti in her lap.
At that very moment, the sports department representative rushed in, face flushed. "Teacher, Teacher Lisa! Ryujin and Yeji got into a fight!"

Lisa felt her mouth twitch a little. Wasn't fighting usually the domain of little boys? Why were Ryujin and Yeji coming to blows?

She followed the representative to the field where the students were doing a relay race. Only Ryujin and Yeji were singled out from the group, standing under the tree to be disciplined.

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