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Chapter 2: First Sight — I am Yu Shi Shi's older female cousin. She wants...to treat you to a meal.

Lisa first caught sight of Jungkook at the Imperial Capital University's school gate.

It was the beginning of spring. Jungkook was wearing a simple white shirt and stood in front of the school building, lost in thought. His hair was longer than the norm, covering his ears and nape. Furthermore, some of it naturally curled. According to the high school male student's hairstyle standards, this hairstyle would be prohibited.

He stood in the sunlight, his thoughts unknown. Behind him, on the steps, was a flock of students making an unnecessary racket; they seemed to have no relation to him.

Lisa had recognized him almost immediately. This man was the Adonis that Yu Shi Shi had been worshipping at the sacred altar for four full years——Professor Jeon.
Yu Shi Shi was her younger female cousin who had graduated in the same year as her.

Yu Shi Shi's home city wasn't at A City. Her dad had been making her return home to find an internship. That day, she had just finished her studies and would be returning to intern. Lisa was specifically coming over to be her manual laborer.
Yu Shi Shi had seen Lisa and impatiently showed her the Idol Professor Jeon. "Do you finally see? Look! That's Professor Jeon; isn't he very handsome!"

Lisa had nodded, expressing her agreement. One after another, there were female students running up to try to confess to him——only, they had walked away with unsightly complexions.

Yu Shi Shi had stabbed her elbow into Lisa, whispering, "You go up and help me invite him out to eat lunch. "

Lisa: "..."

"Sister, this is the only thing I will ask for in my entire life. " Yu Shi Shi had brought both of her hands up in a prayer, miserably looking at her. "You aren't a student here at our school. Even if he refuses, it wouldn't be too bitter. "

Lisa : "..."

Was this the meaning of knowing perfectly well that she would refuse, yet still wanting her to go up?
Even under Yu Shi Shi's coaxing and pestering, Lisa had still possessed a thick face——she hadn't wanted to admit that she also wanted to use this opportunity to talk with Professor Jeon. Just as she had walked two steps in Jeon Jungkook's direction, she gained the attention of all the female students in front of the school building. She had subconsciously tidied up her hair.

Lisa had walked up to Jeon Jungkook and realized that she was nervous, her heart rapidly beating faster. Stopping two steps from his location, she had softly called out, "Professor Jeon. "

"How do you prove that in a certain area of a simple closed curve, the circumference of a circle is the smallest?"

His words had fired out rapidly, and his tone had been extremely unusual as well——like the echoing notes of the best pianist playing on the most expensive piano, clean and beautiful.
But the substance behind his words...
"Ah?" That had been the reply Lisa gave Jungkook.

Jungkook had turned his head to look at her, slightly stumped for words. Before his eyes was a woman with beautifully curled hair that just reached her waist, neat and tidy flaxen strands glistening as sunlight dazzlingly shined down on it.
He had stared blankly at her for three seconds before saying, "You are not a student here. "

Lisa had been somewhat embarrassed. She had quirked her lips up into a smile for him. "I am Yu Shi Shi's older female cousin. She wants...to treat you to a meal. "

Those last six words had been so soft, they couldn't get any softer.
Jungkook had glanced in Yu Shi Shi's direction; Yu Shi Shi had immediately straightened her body before stilling herself.

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