Chapter 19: Fenn Kingdom's Open Sea Battle

Start from the beginning

"Huh? Lines of light, from the three steel vessels below us? I don't see anything, however,"

"You can't see it? Hmm... I guess what humans couldn't perceive, I could. We, the Wind Dragons used the light to convey our intention to our brethren. To know if something is flying, it is possible to check. This light is similar to that,"

"Then... these ships can look further than a Wind Dragon could?" asked Susanoo.

"It seems so. Yet, the intensity of their lights is much stronger. I presumed they indeed could look further than myself," said the Wind Dragon as he and his master ascended through the airspace of the Fenn Kingdom.


KD Kedah's Bridge POV

"This is beyond science," said Captain Hassan inside the bridge of KD Kedah as he watched the wind dragons that were flying by using his binoculars.

"Yet, there's no doubt of it, Captain, since HMS Defender and KD Maharaja Lela also detected the presence of the Lourian dragons through their radars back during the Lourian conflict," said the radar officer.

The Wind Dragons of the Gahara Thearchy were sending out electromagnetic pulses that closely resembled radio waves, and their output was higher, making their presence able to be detected by the ships.



Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 8. Observing Pavillion of the Military Demonstration Site, Fenn Kingdom

"Hmm... so those are the Royal Malaysian Navy's warships. KD Kedah and... KD Selangor are their names. They look like some sort of floating steel fortress, don't they?" King Shihan uttered as he observed the shape of KD Kedah.

"I cannot help but agree with you, Your Majesty. I've been to the Parpaldia Empire numerous times, and I've never seen any ships as large as those two," said Magreb, the knight captain of the Fenn Kingdom.

Floating before them is the Royal Malaysian Navy's KD Kedah and her sister, KD Selangor who represented the navy of the FPDA. For the past seven months, Kedah and her sisters were among the naval vessels along the four nations' that saw active service in monitoring the oceans of the north, west, and south of the Rodenius Continent. This is done following the increasing amount of regular troops that left service in droves as pirates preying on the merchant ships nearby.

In addition, Kedah, Perak and Terengganu were chosen to receive upgrades for their weapons under the particular conversion programme thanks to their 'fitted for but not with' characteristics. All three ships mentioned received the decommissioned Goalkeeper CIWS from the Royal Navy and the more advanced Sea Venom missiles procured from MBDA UK.

The said Sea Venom missiles were originally meant to be launched from a Wildcat helicopter, but given the current situation of the New World, the missiles were later modified so that they could also be launched from a canister. Due to its small size, Kedah, Perak and Terengganu can carry up to eight Sea Venom missile canisters.

"Your Majesty. Malaysia's warships should begin attacking our decommissioned ships any minute now," said Magreb.

With that, two Fennese men knocked the gong many times, gaining people's attention to focus on the attack that'll be commenced on their old vessels at any moment. At first, everyone was excited to see the two steel ships performing battle manoeuvres. Still, not even a single movement was noticed by them as the ships maintained a distance of 2 km between them and the wooden warships.

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