I Love Too (Never Letting Go)

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"I told you it was a wrong decision to take up on that cursed job!" Solar's mother hit her daughter's shoulder with a sandal.

"Ow! Eomma!" Solar tried to block her attack.

Moonbyul was frozen in her place; she's shocked at how fast things go from 0 to 100. Moonbyul and Solar just finished the day's work when Solar said she wanted to go visit her family. Solar's sister sent her a text saying she should've come home and had dinner with the family. Moonbyul tagged along because she's clingy and she wanted to eat Solar's mother jjajangmyeon, Solar's mother owns a small Korean restaurant underneath their house.

Alas, when they entered the restaurant, Solar's mother dragged Solar by her ear toward the kitchen and started to yell and smack her. Moonbyul tailed after her unnie without interrupting the family quarrel, she's afraid it wasn't her place to take part.

"Your father faced serious issues in his school because of that rumor about us being North Korean! He is suspended until he can clear his name!" Solar's mother exclaimed.

"What?!" Solar eyes widen.

"You think what you're doing doesn't have consequences?! See it for yourself!" Her mother dragged Solar by her arm towards the back entrance of the restaurant.

Moonbyul followed them and took notice of the brand-new pamphlets stacked on the wall.

'Immigration Notice: Re-Education Camp for North Korean Defectors. Let's Live Comfortably With The Help of Technology and Internet of Things.'

"The whole neighborhood is talking about our family and left those here! They're afraid of us now and stop eating here for lunch, you ruined our family's reputation!" Her mother kept on smacking Solar in chastise, "Not only we're dealing with debt, now you add our burden with this nonsense, how could you do this to me!"

"O-ow! I'm sorry!" Solar shrieked. For the last few days, Solar was under fire from the public. Things blew out of proportion; when she appeared on MBC Radio Star, the rumor started by Eric Nam fans was brought up in the discussion and it took on a horrible turn; now big names in media posted articles about Solar's North Korean and surgery allegation, all because those angry fans hate her for doing WGM with Eric and they simply couldn't find her childhood pictures.

"Why can't you just quit and be a flight attendant?" Her mother stopped her attack, "Now you've seen how horrible of a choice this career is. Quit tomorrow!"

Solar gulped, "No," She said weakly. She was surprised at her mother's outburst, it's been so long since she got hit with sandals, it was probably high school the last time her mother had been like this. She must've been really disappointed with Solar.

"Yongsun-ah!" Her mother cried, "Don't you care for our family at all? We're drowning in debt from your sister's university tuition in UK and me opening up this restaurant. You shouldn't be like this. Just quit the silly job!"

Seeing her mother cry in despair at their bad luck, Solar cried as well, "N-no, I won't quit! This isn't my fault!" She defended herself weakly, her voice faltering from emotion.

"It is your fault! People talk negatively about you in the media because they hate you! And I hate that your popularity brings trouble to our family. Can't you see we're done for if your father gets fired, if my restaurant went bust, all because of you? They would confiscate everything, Yongsun-ah," She cried.

Solar shook her head in denial, "It's not my fault, Eomma," Tears run down her face at her mother's words.

Solar's mother continued her attack with sandal, "You never listen to me since you were a child!" A smack, "Always do whatever you wish!" Another smack.

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