2: A Visitor

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The waves lashed at the edge of my raft like wolves to a carcass. The dog and cat screeched at the ocean as if they could scare it away and protect me.

I could see an island in the distance. It didn't look inhabited. At least that I could tell. 

"Hold on!" I yelled, voice raspy. The dog and cat did the best they could.

A wave suddenly loomed out of nowhere, and everything went black.


I woke crawling up a beach and coughing water. The dog bounded up to me, nuzzling me with concern. I fell to my elbows, feeling the sand burn in my already scraped-up arms. Groaning, I fell and passed out again.


The next time I came to, I was leaning up against a cave wall with the cat curled up in my lap and the dog sitting on a nearby rock, watching out for any potential dangers. I smiled at that, leaning against the wall. The effort made my already parched throat burn in agony.

Trying not to gasp, I leaned forward with a groan. The dog panted happily, wagging its tail as it bounded over to me with a flask of water in its jaws. 

I seized it, drinking greedily. My inflamed throat slowly calmed down. I poured some water over my head, earning an indignant meowl from the cat. 

Then I frowned. This definitely wasn't mine. I didn't have one. 

That meant.

"Well, Froggy. Tilly baby. I don't think we're alone on this island." I said, voice raspy. 


I was right.

After getting some rest and about three hours of sleep, I stood and investigated my surroundings. I quickly found some old, shabby docks that I wouldn't trust to hold my weight for all the riches in the world. As I watched through Timmy's old telescope (still coated in blood, but dry now), I saw a pair of particularly nasty looking workers loading crates onto a massive ship that I really wanted to burn.

I giggled madly at the thought of it. But I kept my distance, still clenching my axe in my fist, even though they were at least half a mile away.

I turned around and went the opposite direction.

After a bit of walking, I pushed through the branches and found a warehouse on an abandoned dock. I decided to take a gamble.

Using the heightened senses I had gotten in my time with the wolf pack, I searched the place after breaking the lock open. Luckily, it looked like no one had been there in years. I also found a bunch of tarps that would be great for blankets at night.

Froggy mewled, pawing curiously at a dead fish. The kitten looked at me questioningly, as if asking permission. I chuckled and nodded.

"Knock yourself out." I said, and Froggy dug in for her dinner. I sat heavily, digging through a ration pack I had found. I offered most of the bacon up to Tilly, keeping the tough beef and bread for myself. Tilly whined, putting her head down on my knee. I stroked behind her ears.

"I know, girl. We'll go hunting in the morning. Get some fresh pork from some wild pigs, possibly sneak into town and steal some stuff." I promised.

After finishing her practically rotten, raw fish, Froggy cleaned herself and curled up in my lap and promptly fell asleep. Laying down on the hard, concrete floor, I stared up and watched the stars slowly come out. And after a while, I fell asleep too without stopping to wonder why the emergency kit was so fresh.

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