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"All right I'll be there" says Taehyung who was in the cafe with his wife Areum.

"What happened?" She asked taking a sip of her afternoon tea.

"It's Jungkook, he's pissed off throwing things around again. Something about someone hacking into the data base of the company, this isn't good at all" Taehyung replied. The two dashes out of the small little cafe and into a black silver Lamborghini heading straight home.


Taehyung POV

Once I headed inside with Areum everything was a mess, surely it was the work of the youngest leader. The maids quickly cleans up all the materials that were already demolished, I pass by him and ask one of the maids of Jungkook whereabouts. One of the maids had told me he's up in his room yelling non stop of the situation.

Here we go again I told myself. I hurried upstairs and thankfully I got a spare key to unlock his room just in case he does something stupid like he always does.

"Jungkook.." I called out his name

No answer ..

"Jungkook it's Tae..I just came to check up on you"

"Now is not the time hyung! Some idiot hacked one of my buildings and those stupid workers of mine can even find out who's doing so!" He shouted ruffling his messy hair, I walked in his office and no doubt he was upset more like in a panic mode.

"I'll let NamJoon and his men track down who's responsible for the hacking, it shouldn't be that hard. And everything will be resolved" I told him, just to calm him down a bit.

He sighs untying his tie as he plops down on the rolling chair. He opens a box filled with cigarettes, i watch him as he tries to search for a lighter but gave up when he couldn't find one, so I fished out mine from my pocket. He placed the cigarette in between his lips leaning forward, clicking the lighter and igniting the substance.

He inhaled deeply and puffs out a huge smoke.

"Better now?" I question with a smile

"Somewhat .." he replied.

I texted NamJoon hyung if there was any information about the hacking and he said, it was just a minor hack and nothing serious, they did find the culprit quickly who was doing so at a computer shop. However the young man was hired by someone to do there dirty work..

So I called him for more information.


"Yeah I'm here" says Namjoon

"I was lazy to text back..so I figured I would just call" I told him

"Haha, anyways I got Yoongi to interrogate the guy but all he said was he got hired to wire money from one of Jungkook company to someone else.."

"Was there any traces of where it was wired to?"

"It ain't here I can tell you that..it's in Singapore ..someone by the name LF..I'm searching for anything about that letter or any statistics..but not even a website pops up..damn not even a fucking company by that name is in Singapore." He says

"Let me know if you find out more .." I replied

"Yeah will do"

I hanged up having that weird gut wrenching feeling in my stomach..that something just doesn't add up. Something was definitely wrong. If this person could hack our system without a trace then we'd better prepare ourselves for the worse. After everything we build to keep ourselves stabled..there was no way in hell someone can just steal it in one go. I shook my head at the idea..for now I shouldn't worry because then I'd worry my little brother.

I look back at him, his his drifted somewhere else..a picture frame and it's not even that hard to know who he was staring at.

His wife ..and his children..

I know deep down he misses them..but I cannot tell him what we had found. What we discovered at the gravesite..no now is not the time to tell him any of it.

He won't like it..heck it'll drive him mad..

However there was no sign of there whereabouts. We've spoken to the other witches that Areum knows and they couldn't even track a dead soul around.

"I wanted to end her suffering ..so I did what I had to do.." he began..

Tears were now threatening to drip down his cheeks, his nose was turning slightly pink. He bit down on his lips as he finally revealed it all.

"I..I didn't wa-want her to be alone ..s-so I killed my own children..i- I should've died along with them. I should've ..j-just killed myself and spare those two babies!"

I got up from my seat and pulled Jungkook up .. "what ar-"

I quickly embrace my little brother into a hug, and he finally broke down. He gripped tightly on my back, hugging him tightly caressing his hair.

"What's done is done..there's nothing more we can do about it and move on with our lives" I said

"You have two daughters left ..Aleeya and Lea..i'm sure they'll understand once you tell them"

"They won't understand.. I'm just a father who killed there mother and siblings."
To Be Continued

-pls don't be ghost readers
-pls vote
- mahalo jellybeans :3

Psychopath VIII •• J.J.K Where stories live. Discover now