Izuku Didn't Die, But It Sure Was A Close Call

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Izuku learned at the age of five that the world is a cruel place. The world showed no mercy towards the quirkless. He also learned that not everyone is cruel. He learned there was beauty and kindness in spots you may not think to look. Since he had no quirk, he had to look much harder than most.


"Wait! No-"

"Ungrateful brat!"

"Burden to society!"

"Quirkless Deku!"


Eraserhead had a job to do. There was a homeless kid with green hair. That was the only description he got, but he'd make do. He was tasked with the job of finding the kid and making sure he was given a home. Whether it be the kid's home or a foster home.

Eraserhead didn't understand how that was a hero's job much less an underground hero's, but he'd do it. It wasn't too far for him. A small town by musutufu. That's how he was in his full hero costume at the crack of dawn. He would ask the citizens if they knew anyone by that description. Almost everyone did, but they denied it. Eraser was getting pissed. He's been searching for two hours, yet no one wants to tell him where the kid is. What do they have against the poor kid?

It wasn't until he found the one person that would speak, he found the kid. He had asked, and  the guy denied it, but Eraser saw the guilt on his face. He knew that civilian knew exactly where the kid is.

"What's his name?" Erasure narrowed his eyes.


"The kid. You obviously know where he is."

"I- I don't."

"Tell me."

After looking around the area and deciding they were alone, he spoke, "Izuku Midoriya. His name is Izuku Midoriya. I don't know where, exactly, but he should be somewhere by the bakery.

"You shouldn't get your hopes up, though. I doubt he's still alive."

Eraser made it to the bakery in record time. He searched the hardest and fastest for Izuku than he ever had for anyone before. Five minutes later he came across a body.

The body was small. Couldn't be older than five or six. He had green hair and freckles. This was Izuku. It had to be, but he was so injured. His breathing was poor and there were bruises forming all over him. He was also pretty sure his arm was broken. Who could do this to a kid?

Eraser gently picked Izuku up and ran to the nearest hospital as gently as he could. All while speaking comfort words to Izuku.

"Hello, Midoriya. I'm Eraserhead. You'll be ok, Midoriya. These doctors will make you feel better in no time. Once you're all better, I'll make sure you're in a safe home. No one will ever be able to touch you again." Eraser was really good with children. He adored them, but only few people knew that about him.

Izuku opened his eyes a little to reveal big green ones. He looked at Eraser and smiled, showing off bloody teeth. He closed his eyes again and nuzzled into Erasure's hoodie.

"Midoriya, don't go back to sleep, ok? Can you do that for me?" Eraser didn't know if Izuku would wake up again if he fell back asleep.

"You're one of my favorite heroes, Mr. Eraserhead. You're not on the tv a lot, so I don't get to see you very often." Izuku yawned. "You don't like attention, do you?"

"No, I don't." Eraser never knew what to do with a fan. He didn't have a lot. Especially not children.

"I saw you helping a kid. The lady said he was quirkless. You were the only one who helped him. You're nice."

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