Secret of the Tomb, part 5: Nocturnal Knight

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Everyone was walking down a creepy hallway.

Y/n walked up to Atilla again, and Atilla leaned down. "Pst, you two, you have your buds?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, I do" Jed answered. "Yup." Octavius answered as well. "Okay, just checking. Connect them, I'm gonna connect mine, just in case we get separated, all right?" Y/n stepped back before putting their bud in their ear and tapping it. Jed and Octavius did the same.

Eventually, Larry found a room that could be used as a short cut, and everyone walked in to see Ancient statues with missing limbs. They were just standing there, not saying anything. "What kind of haunted hootenanny is this, boys?" Jed uttered. Everyone walked slowly, the eerieness of the situation sinking in. "We're all finding this super creepy, right?" Nicky asked. "Yes, I'm sure we all are." Y/n responded. "They're just a little freaked out..." Larry said. "First time we came alive, it took some getting used to." Teddy said, his voice a little shakey. Everyone decided to leave the room, and walk out the other exit of the exhibit.

"Come on, this way." Larry guided everyone into a room filled with animal head plaques. As they walked down the hallway, they heard loud thumping, and Larry stopped.

"...Hear that?"

"...Hear what?"

The thumping got louder, and out came a triceratops skeleton.

"That." Larry said as the triceratops growled.

"We'll just be down here if anyone needs us." Jedediah whispered as he and Octavius sat down on Atilla's hat. "We're not scared, it's just more comfortable." Octavius muttered. He then connected his bud and quietly whispered: "it is most definitely because we are scared". Y/n held back a chuckle.

"I think it's safe to say that we're in a bit of trouble." Teddy assumed. Larry then noticed a tusk hanging on the wall. He walked up to it. "I know how to handle this guy." Larry responded, and before grabbing it, he looked up. "You mind?" He asked the boar plaque. It shook it's head aggressively, and Larry picked the bone up.

"What are you doing?" Nicky whispered.

"How do you think I tamed your pal Rexy?" Larry asked rhetorically.

"Hi there," he said calmly to the triceratops, "I bet you're not so mean, are you? Huh? I bet you're not so mean. No, you're just a little puppy, right?" He slowly added playfulness to his tone of voice, "You're just a little puppy that wants to play. You wanna play, huh? You wanna play fetch? Yeah?" He shook his body a little, and the triceratops started acting like how Rexy does, whimpering excitingly. Larry kept hyping it up, until he threw the bone. "Go fetch!"

The triceratops chomped it down and caught it first try, before attempting to eat it. It spat the bone and started gagging it out because of how dry it was.

"Lawrence, may I suggest a new plan?"


The triceratops roared.


Everyone started running, and the triceratops ran after them. It slipped as it was running and crashed into a glass case, and giving everyone some time to run. It roared again, and everyone ran into a midevil room, the shape of a cylinder. "THE DOOR! CLOSE IT! CLOSE IT!" Larry hollered as he Nicky and Y/n closed it.

"...Okay, I think we're-"


The three fell to the ground as the triceratops burst through, and them immediately got up. "GET BACK! EVERYBODY, GET BACK! Larry yelled, and everyone stood near one another in the creases of the walls, except for Nicky, since he was already on the other side of the room. The triceratops put it's focus on Larry. Larry had hid behind a pillar, before finding a spikeball, and grabbing it by it's handle.

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