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Dekus pov

I woke up with a banging head ache "what the fuck happened last night..." I turned around to see kacchan shirtless, I didn't think much of until I realized, I also wasn't wearing my shirt..and my lips felt bruised? I quickly ran to the bathroom to look at myself, my lips were red as fuck and I had some hickeys on my neck. What the fuck happened last night...

Bakugos pov

I saw deku running to the bathroom, wait why has he shirtless, I mean I usually don't sleep with my shirt on but he does, he hadn't closed the bathroom door so I got up to check up on him "dek-" what the fuck... " why do u have hickeys all over your neck deku? And why are your lips bruised" He looked at me confused "I d-dont know.. do you remember anything from last night?"
"Last night?" What happened last night ? All I remember was deku giving me that pill.. I slowly started to remember some stuff about last night.

"Fuck...deku I remember some stuff but I'm not sure you wanna hear them.." I mean i remember reallyyy enjoying that night and judging dekus state, he didn't look like he hated it "kacchan just tell me, did anything happen between you and me? I m-mean, probably right? We were together last night, y-you left those on my neck...right?"

"Uh..yeah.." when I confirmed that his hickeys were from me, it looked like a sudden wave of relief hit him "d-did we do anything more than j-just make out..?"

"No, I remember you told me you didn't want to go any further"

Deku's pov

Does that mean that if I hadn't said then we probably would have... CONCENTRATE DEKU. kacchan looked at me with a smirk because he realized that I was blushing "kacchan" I said as I started to approach him "deku I swear to fucking God if you say to pretend like this never happened, I'm going to lose my mind"

Bakugos pov

"You can tell me you didn't like or that you don't like me, but I won't pretend like nothing happened" well....if he asked me to I probably would..

Dekus pov

"W-what nonono I just, you know I don't remember anything..."
"Yeah? What about it" I sighed "well I mean it looks like we both enjoyed it, you remember what it felt like but I don't..." I said in a low tone, I looked up and saw kacchan smirking "does that mean you wanna do it again?"

I could literary hear the smile in his voice when he said that, I mean..I did kinda wanna know what if felt like, I didn't give him an answer, but I did nod my head signaling that I in fact did want to do it again, I was really embarrassed..

Bakugos pov

Damn.. I didn't even think deku liked me back, now he wants to make out again? I stood in front of him and asked him "does that mean you like me"

Dekus pov

When I heard those words l, I suddenly looked up at him and we locked eyes. I didn't want to say no, but I was too embarrassed to admit it, I looked away "I u-uhm-" I was cut off by kacchan kissing me 'mm~" when I heard that noise coming out of my mouth, I pulled away and put my palm on my lips. My eyes were wide, I couldn't believe that that sound just came out of me

"Pff, if you're embarrassed by that, then you should have heard your sexy little moans yesterday" he said as he chuckled. What. Omg omg I'm so embarrassed "s-sorry.." I said, my face was red as fuck

Bakugos pov

"It's fine deku, you didn't do anything wrong don't worry, oh and can I put some Vaseline on your cuts? I can't stand it seeing you like this"
"Sure kacchan, just do it gently okay..?"


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