not leaving

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Deku's Pov

I woke up in my bed, i had kinda forgotten everything until i turned to the other side and saw, kacchan.

Then i remembered everything, how could i talk to him after what happened last night i was so scared i didnt wanna have to go through that, turned my head around again, where I wasn't facing him, then i tried to sleep again. But then i heard "i know you're awake" i froze. I didnt know how to respond to that, i just pretended i was sleeping "dont think you're getting out of this situation deku, you're gonna explain a lot." He said "no, i dont want to explain anything. Leave. Me. Alone." I said, i tried to sound angry so he could leave "no stupid, are u serious?" I didn't respond after that i just sighed and he, hugged me? Kacchan hugged me? "Is this my fault?" He asked, i could hear his voice was hurt, i mean it wasn't entirely his fault, even it if was all his fault i couldn't tell him the truth, i paused for a moment then responded with "no, its not" "then whose fault is it deku? Who the fuck made you think it was okay to do this to yourself, I'm the only one who bullies you, telling you to kill yourself and stupid stuff like that, i didnt think you would take those seriously, what the fuck. I am so sorry" he said.

I was shocked, i turned around to face him "huh? You dont want me to die?" I was so confused, my whole life he has been bullying me non-stop and he has been telling me to die. "No stupid, of course i dont want you to fucking die are u serious? I only told you those things because i wanted to keep u away from me, i didnt actually mean any of this.." i was even more confused "wait what? What do you mean keep me away from you? Im sorry im confused.." he sighed"deku, i wanted you to be away from me so I couldn't hurt you, i know that if we were friends, i just wouldn't be a good friend really and i didnt want to hurt you" huh?? He was scared to hurt me so he didn't wanna be friends? Thats so dumb. I kinda giggled, it was a dumb reason to not be friends with somebody "deku why are you laughing?" "Im s-sorry, but that's a pretty funny reason to not be friends with somebody" "whateverrr"

I yurned back around to where i wasnt facing him "uhm, when are you leaving?" "Leaving? Oh deku im not leaving until i make sure you're gonna be okay" "HUH? I mean, what? What do you mean you're not leaving l? Aha you're so funny kacchan-" i wish he was joking "Deku" he paused "im serious" he said, i just sighed knowing i wouldn't get out of this situation that easy "for how long?" I asked him "till i make sure you're okay" he replied "can't you just like, pretend nothing happened and leave?" It was a pretty risky thing to say "deku are you fucking serious, i cant just fucking leave you die"

well that was going to be tiring "I'm going to tell the teachers" that was it "WHAT? NO" I wasn't gonna let him tell the teachers "deku you cant say no, im gonna do it" "why?" I was honestly mad "i shouldnt have let you in my dorm, none of this would have happened.." i said "im glad this is happening, im glad i found out deku" he hugged me again "stop hugging me." "Why should i?" "Kacchan- please stop, it hurts" and he stopped hugging me "omg- im sorry deku i forgot..Get off the bed" i was still shirtless from last night "why?" "Just get up" i knew he was trying to see my cuts "okey fine" i got up fast and tried to put my shirt on "deku, you know why i made you get up, dont put your fucking shirt on" and he got up too "fine.." i said, he then came closer to me and just, looked at my body, he still hadn't figured out i had cuts on me legs too and i was really grateful for that "ok we can put vaseline on to heal them" i didnt say anything, i just stood there waiting for him to get the vaseline, when he came back he said "no more cutting alright?" i knew I wasn't gonna stop but i didnt wanna concern him so i nodded, but it didnt look like he believed me "if you ever feel tempted, talk to me deku" he then grabbed my wrists and started putting vaseline all over them, i winced in pain "hey u-uhm sorry for bothering b-but can you put it on more g-gently?" "Yeah, sorry" after he was done with my wrists he started putting vaseline on my chest and stomach, it really stinged. After he was done i put on my shirt.

"Deku we have to tell at least one teacher, its really bad" i looked down, i didnt want anyone to know "i dont want to tell them,what if they expell me..?" "What? Deku no- they're bot gonna do that what are you talking about" and i looked down again

"honestly kacchan i dont care that much about anything anymore, do what you want but im not talking to any teachers, I'm asking again it's like almost 2 pm when are u leaving?" "Deku i told you, im not leaving" well i can make him leave in some type of way "fine, I'll leave i have to go get groceries" that was it "no Deku it's okay I'll get them for you, you can stay here" i knew he would say that "are you sure?" I said "yes Deku, just make me a fucking list and ill go get everything" once he left i would lock the door so he couldn't get in "okay, write it down on your phone" he pulled put his phone amd i said "bananas, lettuce, apples and flour" "is that all" he asked "y-yeah" i opened mt drawer to give him money "here u go i think 20 is enough for that.." "probably more that enough, okay im going, bye deku, not any funny business alright?" He said "yes kacchan-" i responded and he closed the door and went to buy groceries. I took the key and locked the door, now he couldn't come back in again, only if he found another key for my dorm.

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