visiting Aizawa

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Deku's pov:

I finally got out, where should I go? I'll just go to the park I guess.. I'm super bored tho, maybe I should run? No.. I'm way too tired. Now that I think of it l, it's really dark out I hope nobody follows me. Oh wait if I don't come home back Kachan might think something happened. Whatever I'll just call him and tell him I'm going for a walk, he can't do anything about it.

Bakugo's pov:

I heard my phone ring and I picked it up only to hear, deku? "Hi Kachan, I just wanted to tell you I might come home a little later because I'm going for a walk, you won't be at my dorm by the time I'm back right?" Huh? Going for a walk? "Deku what do you mean you're going for a walk? Have you seen how dark it is out? What If someone follows you?" I was concerned.

Deku's pov:

Ughhh why is he always so 'worried'' he does he fucking care so much "whatever kachan I can just beat him up I doesn't matter, so will you still be there when I come back or not?" I just hoped that I would hear a negative answer, but instead I got "Deku, I've already told you, I'm not leaving till I make sure you're okay"

Bakugos pov:

After that he didn't respond, he just hang up. Then I got an idea, it was still like 10 pm so no teacher would be sleeping, I had to tell someone. I figured I would just tell Aizawa right now instead of tomorrow so I just head to his office, but I had to rush.

Aizawa's pov:

I heard a knock on my dorm and wondered who it could be and why were they here so late.."come in" and then I saw bakugo? "Oh" He seemed kind of worried about something so I said "what happened?"

Bakugo's pov:

"Uhm, I'm really not supposed to say this, but I feel like I have to" I confessed "go on kid" and I sighed "ok so have you noticed deku's behavior?" I asked him and he sighed "yes.. I tried asking ochako but she knew nothing and told me that they don't even hang out anymore, pretty sad"

Aizawas pov:

Why was he asking me this? They're not even friends , I though bakugo hated midoriya.

Bakugo's pov:

"Oh, well I noticed that he looks depressed or some shit and so I went over to his dorm to see what was going on" he looked so confused "Huh? To his dorm? What? You two talk to each other?" I didn't have time for these type of questions "I'll explain some other time, let's keep going on with the story. So...."

And he told him what had happened

Aizawas pov:

Fuck..."Bakugo, I'm really worried about him, I've also noticed that he doesn't eat much, do you think we should get him on medication? Or maybe let him have some days off of school?"

Bakugo's pov:

Aizawa really did sound concerned about deku's situation but I was worried about the medication in case deku overdosed or something, so I told him my idea "Mr Aizawa, I have decided to stay at deku's dorm till he gets better, do I have your permission?" He looked at me worried but he just nodded his head, then I got up to leave and as I was about to close the door I heard him say "Bakugo, you and midoriya can have a week off, don't come tomorrow!" And I nodded and walked back to dekus dorm.

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