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Dekus pov:

Fuck I'm so fucking high everything  is spinning... I can't even walk.. I should just call someone to pick me up I can't go back like this, whatever I'll call kachan I don't even care what he thing about me anymore..

Bakugos pov

It was like 1 am and deku still wast back, I was starting to get worried until I heard my phone ring, it was him, I picked up and I heard "hey kachannn" what the hell.." Hi? Deku where are you? It's 1 am why aren't you back?" I tried so ask with a calm voice "kachan can you come to the park I can't walk there I'm feeling dizzy, I'm like at the bench behind the swings, please come fast" and he just hang up.

Dekus pov

I sure sounded low key weak but whatever , I couldn't even walk, whatever I took was strong as fuck..

Bakugos pov

What the fuck? Is he serious, what does he mean he can't he can't walk did he break his leg or something? I rushed to the park as fast as I could and I saw him rested on thee bench he told me he was.

Deku's pov

"Ughh  finally you came, can you carry me? I swear if I get up, it's over for me" I said while literally smiling and laughing

Bakugos pov

"Deku holy shit your pupils are so fucking big and your eyes are so red, what the fuck did you do" as I said that he giggled "whatever kachan I doesn't matter, just carry me home righ now this is too funny for me to explain to you", I took him on my back and carried him home, midway through he said "hey kachan, uhm...are you mad at me?.." and he sounded so sad. I was confused on what he was talking g about  "deku what are you talking about? Mad about what" he tightened his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder and said "you know.. cutting, doing drugs, smoking, drinking and all that shit.."
I was left speechless, deku did what? "What?" I heard deku sigh "I'm  sorry kachan.. really I'm sorry.." and he started sobing, then I made him get off my back and Stand up, and I hugged him,he clearly wasn't in his right mind, I just had to bring him home "I love you deku,no matter what you do" and then I put him on my back again and carried him all the way to our dorm, changed him and put him to sleep.

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