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Bakugo's pov

Just when I thought he was getting better... Have I don't something wrong? I've been trying to make him better and it only looks like he's getting worse. I can't stand it.

Deku's pov

Did he just leave? Where did the 'I'll stay until you get better go' ? Whatever I didn't want him here anyways. But why do I.. kinda do want him here. It's not like I'm having fun with him, bit I don't feel so alone when he's here, ughi hate to admit that. Should I call him to come again? No, no then I'll just sound desperate.

Bakugos pov

I can't stand seeing him like that it makes me worry so fucking much. Of course I can't leave him like that.

Deku's pov

*Ding!* huh? My phone, is it kacchan? Nope. Mina?

M: hey deku what's upppp?
D: uh I'm good, why are u texting me?
M: ok so!! Drumroll please!!!
D: tell me alreadyyy
M:the whole class is having a sleepover and you HAVE to be there!!

What?? That's so out of the blue, I mean whatever what is the worst that could happen?

D: okay I'll come, where and when?
M: tomorrow at mom's house at 7. I better see you there! Bye babes!!
D:bye Mina

Bakugos pov

What is deku probably doing rn? Wait...why did I just leave him?! Am I dumb as fuck?! Fuckfuck I forgot I was supposed to be with him. I should call him

Dekus pov

Oh who's calling me? "Hello?" And from the other side of the phone I heard "deku are you okay?"
"Kacchan is that you? Why sis u leave.." fuck fuck I sound so sad, I sound like I need him "don't worry I'm coming back right now" and he shut the phone off. Oh my God I literally sounded like I need help.

Bakugos pov

*knocks on the door* "deku it's me!" Fuck what if he doesn't open the door up..but he did , and I saw him standing there, red eyes, couldn't tell if he was either crying or on drugs. He was such a mess. "Deku are you okay?" I asked him as I came in and closed the door behind me. "Y-yeah.. I'm okay"
"Did you take anything? Why are your eyes red? Deku are you sure you're okay?"

Deku's pov

I felt kachan hug me as said those things. "Kachan I didn't take anything I promise.." I reassured him "then why are you eyes bright red, what the fuck deku?!" He questioned in an angry voice "nothing kachan, it was nothing, look my eyes are okay now I was just sobbing I'm good, don't worry about me stop." I sighed and he backed away from the hug to look at my eyes "kachan are you going tomorrow?" I asked expecting him to know what I was talking about "going where?" "Uh Mina is inviting the whole class for a sleepover, and I was thinking of going.." He looked and me for like 2 seconds but then nodded his head and said "if you're going than I'm going too dumbass"

Bakugo's pov

Oh God I got so worried for him for a second, I though he took some kind of drugs again or something.

sad bakudekuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora