Chapter 7 - Sebastian Sallow

Start from the beginning

As the class comes to an end, we start packing away our books and gathering our things, I find myself struggling to focus and have no motivation to sit through my afternoon class, with so much weighing on my mind I needed to escape the castle for a bit. 

"Hey Ominis?" I ask.

"Yes Sebastian?" He replies. 

"Fancy skipping divination and grabbing a drink at the Three Broomsticks, I erm, need a break from this place and could use a friend" I say, almost too embarrassed to ask for a friendly ear. 

"Of course, divination was never really my forte anyway" he says. We gather our things and leave the classroom to leave for Hogsmeade. 


I place two butter beers down on the table in front of us as we get settled, we put ourselves in our usual spot upstairs, away from the crowds so we could actually hear ourselves talk. 

"So, what's up?" Ominis asks, taking a sip of his drink. 

"It's Y/N I can't stop thinking about her, she's warm, and kind, and caring, completely selfless.. And honestly, when I am around her I forget who I was and what I did, she makes me a better person" I confess in low tone, looking down into my lap. 

"Merlin, you are in love with her" he gasps in shock. 

"Yeah, I am.. But why are you surprised? You literally said it last night" I question. 

"Sebastian, I was having a joke with you, I didn't realise you actually felt that way" Ominis replies. 

"The worst part is, I don't deserve her" I sigh as I place my head into my hands. Ominis reaches his hand out and puts it on my shoulder.

"You might be right, but that shouldn't stop you" he says softly. I slowly bring my eyes up to meet his before instantly looking back down "what about our friendship, I can't lose her, we can't lose her" I say. 

"You can't go on like this Sebastian, it will only eat away at you and before you know it, you'll end up resenting her" he sighs, sitting back in his chair. 

"I guess you're right, thank's Ominis you're a great friend" I reply, lifting my drink up motioning a cheers in his direction. We sit quietly for a moment as the conversation comes to a natural stop. 

"So, you finally have a date with Samantha" I finally let out with a laugh. 

"It's hardly a date Sebastian, but I suppose a thanks to you is in order, I know you don't like Adelaide that much so I appreciate you putting up with her for me" Ominis smiles. 

"It's the least I could do" I reply. We finish our drinks and take a walk around the shops in Hogsmeade before heading back to the castle in time for dinner.


"There you are!" I hear Y/N's voice shout as she runs towards us in the clock tower courtyard. 

"Shit" Ominis lets out under his breath.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you both all day!" Y/N asks now in an angry tone. 

I glance over at Ominis in hopes he will come out with an answer, but he simply shrugs his shoulders with a disgruntled look on his face. I didn't know what to say, the last thing that I would want her to think is that we are sneaking off to do things without her. 

"We erm, skipped our afternoon class and went to Hogsmeade" I finally let out as I rub the back of my neck, nervous at what her reply might be. 

"Oh right I see" she says bluntly. Fuck she looks upset, but how could I tell her that I've just spent the last four hours confessing my love for her to Ominis? I see Adelaide coming towards us, she couldn't have picked a worse time. 

"Hello Sebastian!" She says waving her hand at me, I simply wave back and offer her a short smile. "Still on for our date later?" She continues. My eyes instantly widen in shock and my only instinct is to look over at Y/N to see her reaction, she looks at me as her face floods with anger, I feel my heart rate increase as I become more uncomfortable by the second. 

"Erm, yeah I'll see you in the library tonight" I respond quietly, she leans in for a hug but I choose not to react, I stand there and take it as I feel Y/N's eyes burning into the side of my head, finally she leaves. 

"Is this some kind of fucking joke?! As if my day hasn't been stressful enough!" She shouts at me, angrily before turning away to storm off. "Y/N wait!" I shout back, but nothing, she continues walking back through the doors to the castle, I kick the ground in anger before placing my hands on top of my head.

"I need to go after her" I say to Ominis. 

"No, give her some time to cool down, neither of you have a rational bone in your bodies when you are like this, let's grab some food and head to the library" he replies. 

We sit down at the Slytherin table, I scanning the room for Y/N's face but she is no where to be seen. I look down and start pushing the food around my plate with my head resting on my free arm, letting out a sigh every so often. 

"Oh Sebastian cheer up, you two can never stay angry at each other for long, let's go and meet the girls, the sooner we get there the quicker we can leave" he jokes as he gets up off the bench. 

"Fine" I reply bluntly. We get up and head to the library, giving the hall one last scan for Y/N before we leave, all I want to do is find her and tell her everything, but Ominis is right, there would be no point in doing it now.

In The Shadow of Love // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now