Chapter Fifteen: The End

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This year didn't have dangerous trials like last year did, but this was definitely one filled with a different type of excitement. It is time students take their O.W.L.s or their N.E.W.Ts, in which we gather in the Great Hall. We are all assigned a personal desk with a quill and a packet of parchment, with a clock counting down the minutes we have to finish. I'm always terrible at tests like this. It been ages since the clock has started. I look around the room and there are only a few students left in here with me still testing, including Sebastian nearly pulling his hair out, Poppy is close to tears, and Amit— is also close to tears? "Merlin! Why didn't I study more? Why did I spend so much time writing my memoirs rather than study?! Ooohhh" I heard Amit mutter to himself. Poor guy, seems to really be struggling. I notice Garreth putting his test on the completed table. I'm surprised even he finished before me!

I look down at my desk, forcing myself to focus on the test in front of me. I struggle to find the attention needed but I manage to finish before the clock chimed. Looks like we all did, thankfully! "I never- I mean NEVER want to do this again!" Cried Poppy. Sebastian walks my way and greets me with a smile, wrapping his arm around me asking "So, how do you think you fared?" Giving a little shrug as I joke "Honestly, who knows. I just hope good enough to get Acceptable." We exist the Great Hall to see Natsai, Poppy, Amit and Garreth making plans to celebrate at the Three Broomsticks. "Athena! Sebastian! Will you join us?" Natsai shouted excitedly. I look at Sebastien to see what he thought of the idea. He looked pleased to have been invited, for he smiled and nodded, "We would love to!" We all headed for Hogsmeade, jumping and laughing. Even Sebastian seems to be really enjoying himself around my friends. I've never seen him spend much time with people beside Ominis. It brings me such joy seeing him happy, his laugh is pure bliss.

   We walk into the Three Broomsticks, it's as if all the students had the same idea. Each table filled, people piled up at the bar, people standing in and talking in every direction. Poppy makes us all grab hands as she leads us up the stairs, we make it to the top floor where it was less crowded than the floors below. We sing and dance, drinking butterbeer after butterbeer. I don't think I've ever drank enough of it to actually feel tipsy but I did tonight. We all stumble out the doors. Sebastian, with his hand under my arm, helps me balance as we walk back to the castle. After arriving, we all say our farewells and head back to our common rooms. Sebastian brings me to my sleeping corridor, ensuring I get to bed safely. "Thank you," I mumbled as he covered me with blankets. He kisses my forehead before stumbling off to bed himself.

   The next morning, my head is throbbing. Butterbeer is definitely my favourite, but not that much butterbeer. "Never again" I thought to myself. I sit up and look around the room. It's empty. All the other girls have already gotten ready for the ceremony today, I guess I should attempt to look my best. I get out of bed, brush my hair and throw on my best robes. I join the students in the common room, waiting to gather in the Great Hall. I run into Sebastian, "You ready for the ceremony? It's our last day of year 6!" He exclaimed happily. "I definitely am! Only one year left of this place. Although I've grown to love it, I can't wait to be away." I replied. He holds me close as we shuffle our way up the stairwell with the rest of Slytherin house.

   The Great Hall had more food on the tables than we normally do, Hogwarts crest banners hang from the ceiling. Students talk loudly over one another while munching on the roast chicken, duck, other foods and desserts. Sebastian and I find a empty spot at the table, enough for the two of us to sit. We fix ourselves plates while eagerly waiting for professor Black to make the end of the year announcements of who wins the house cup. I see him making his way to the podium. "Students! Everyone! Pay attention please! This way!" He shouts across the Great Hall. Students settle in to their seats quietly. "Now then," professor Black continues, "this year has been quite an extraordinary  one! With quidditch being back this year and only one student injured," he pauses while looking in my direction, "I'd say it was rather successful. Slytherin being at the top of the leaderboard for matches this year with only one loss, leaves them winning this years house cup!" The Hogwarts crest banners magically change into Slytherin banners, green accents throughout the room. All of Slytherin house jumps and cheers! Even Sebastian stands up to clap in excitement. It's truly a sight to be seen. Two years in a row of my house winning the cup! Brilliant!

   I see Ominis walking over to Sebastian and I. He stands next to the empty spot at the table next to me before stuttering, "May I- May I sit?"
I quickly respond, "Of course you can!" A smile grows on his face as he sits down next to me.
"I am sorry— to the both of you. Truly, I'm not sure what had come over me." Said Ominis. Sebastian chimes in before I could, "It's okay, Ominis. You were there for Anne more than I was. I didn't listen to either of you— I'm sorry too." We all smile, happy to be spending the last feast of the school year together again. "So what are your plans for the summer?" Ominis questioned Sebastian and I, as we look at each other unsure of how to answer.
"We're— we're fixing up Solomons place. I'm going to be staying there for a while." Sebastian stammered.
Ominis nearly choked on pumpkin juice as it spits out his nose, "The two of you?" He shouted while drying himself off. It is rather ironic, I sometimes forget Ominis cannot see Sebastian and I snogging this whole time. Sebastian laughed at Ominis as he sits in pumpkin juice covered robes, "Yes the two of us. Athena will be staying with me." He tells Ominis while throwing his arm over my shoulder pulling me into him.
"Seems the two of you have gotten a lot closer. I suppose you finally told her, Sebastian?" Ominis questioned wryly. Sebastian's face got red, "I did." He almost sounds as if it's embarrassing. I guess for him it kind of is, he isn't the type of person to really express himself, especially in that way.
"Well, I'm proud of you Sebastian. We may not see eye to eye on everything but I still want what is best for you." Ominis stated.
Sebastian snorted, holding back a laugh. Ominis sighs, "You know what I meant."

   The Great Hall clears out, everyone is off to their common rooms to pack their bags and get one last night in the castle. Tomorrow, we head home. Home. Something I finally get to have. I enter my dormitory, immediately start packing my bags. I need to make sure I have everything and I'm ready for tomorrow. I rush getting it packed, hop into bed and just try picturing how much life is going to change from here. Life with Sebastian in Fieldcroft, only one year left at Hogwarts. Then what? I fall asleep quickly, and morning was here before I know it. I slowly wake up to the sound of the other girls screaming their goodbyes all throughout the halls. I gather myself, brushing my hair and throwing on the first outfit sitting on top of my bag. I grab my things as I walk out to the common room to find Sebastian. He waits for me at the end of the corridor, outreaching his hand for mine, "You ready?"
More than ever. I place my hand in his as he guides me down the stairs, "Ready!" I respond with excitement. We leave Hogwarts and head home to a new life ahead of us.

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