Chapter Fourteen: The Surprise

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   Sebastian refuses to tell me what it is we're doing. All he says is "Just a little something to cheer you up", which is little to go off. I'm not one for surprises, but I've grew to like them more since knowing Sebastian. Everyday with him there is something new to learn or explore! Recently we haven't been getting around much from my injuries during my last quidditch. Rheana was quite the challenge for Imelda! Gave her a good reality check on the broom. Was rather chuffed hearing we had lost the match, surprisingly. Imelda needed to loose for once. Sebastian sent me an owl this morning, asking me to meet him in Fieldcroft. I wonder what we are doing there? Is this the surprise he has in store for me? It's definitely peaked my interests.

   Arriving to Fieldcroft I see Sebastian in the town circle, looks as if he is buying some things. I venture to the town circle where Sebastian and I meet in the center. "What is it we are doing here?" I question, to which he promptly responds "This is just a quick stop. Come on, follow me" As he gestured me to tail behind. We walked down a long, steep path outside Fieldcroft which had led us to the coast. A large open field on the cliff side overlooking the ocean, carrying gusts of salty air as the waves crash into the rocks below. I had stopped for a moment, taking in what a beautiful sight it is, when I had noticed Sebastian just up ahead. I shuffled over to see what he was doing, to which I see a blanket spread across the ground on which he sat, pulling things out of his bag. I bend down, putting my knees to the blanket and sitting upon my feet. "What is all this?" I express as my mouth waters.
Sebastian laughs "Stoat sandwiches, some tomato tossed salads, treacle tarts, and your favourite, betterbeer from the Three Broomsticks." He places the food on the blanket in a orderly fashion, handing me what I needed to eat before I started ripping into it all with my hands. I look at him with a delightful smile, and began eating. "This is truly remarkable, Sebastian." I exclaimed. He laid down on the blanket, looking up at the clouds as he started to explain "Anne and I would come here a lot when we were younger to get away from Uncle Solomon. We would run away all time, just to come here. We would watch the clouds for hours, trying to guess what creatures they looked like. Stare at the water crashing into the rocks, wondering what it felt like." He took a long pause, "I don't think it has ever felt this peaceful here."
I guzzle down the last of my butterbeer and wipe my face with my sleeve. I lay down next to Sebastian, looking at the clouds with him. We were silent, just watching the world around us move. "That one looks like a Niffler!" I shout while pointing up into the sky. Sebastian chuckles and grabs my hand laying next to his. "That one looks like a Hippogriff." He pointed with the opposite hand. We both laugh and spend hours watching the clouds, finding different shapes within them. I swear I saw one that looked like Professor Black, but Sebastian thinks I need to get my eyes checked.

   The sun goes down as we clean up and head back to Fieldcroft. "You know me well, Sebastian. This is exactly what I needed! I don't want this day to end." I say while doing a jump of cheer. Sebastian looks at me blankly. "What is it?" I questioned.
"Where will you go when the school year is over?" Sebastian asked in a monotone voice. I was taken back by question. It normally isn't something I really think about.
"To be honest Sebastian— I don't know. Because of my age I don't live at the orphanage anymore. Last summer I spent a lot of time with Poppy and her Gran. I haven't given it much thought about what I will do when this year ends" I struggled to admit.
"What if—" Sebastian took a few steps closer, "you don't have to think about it?" He grabs my hand and continues to say, "When I was in Feildcroft recently, before today, I talked with the people in the town. They will let me have Uncle Solomons house. We could stay here, have somewhere to call home. With me. We can have days like we did today whenever you'd like! We can go back to Hogwarts together for year 7 and that's it! From there, we can do or go whenever you like. We can live wherever we want, and no one can tell us where to go."

   I needed a moment to process what Sebastian said. I've can't remember what it is like to have a home, I can't remember much of mum or dad, or what life was like then. I've always been alone since I could remember. But being with Sebastian? Always? I can't imagine a better way of finally having a home. Having more of a family than I've ever had before. I squeezed his hands as I look in his eyes, "I want to experience everything with you, everyday. I would love to live here with you."
He pulls me in close with one hand caressing the back of my neck, kissing me passionately as the moon rises over the horizon, reflecting off the water. I've never felt happiness like I do at this very moment. My chest explodes, my knees crumble, my face tickles in such a way I can't explain it. Sebastian pulls away, taking my hand in his and picks up his bag with the other. We walk along the coastline, soaking up the view one last time before heading back to the castle. We stop in Fieldcroft one last time, Sebastian dropped off something's at Uncle Solomons house. I suppose it is Sebastian's now. I take a look around and it starts to sink in, this is my new home. My first official home. Here— with Sebastian. I'm not sure what I am more nervous about— my O.W.L.s, or knowing that I now have someone to call my home. Sebastian has made my life much more enjoyable and exciting.

   Back at the castle, I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I can't stop thinking the day I had with Sebastian and what he said to me. Thinking about my future with Sebastian and how wonderful it looks. The school year is coming to an end but not quick enough, if I'm being honest. I picture in my head the ocean view Sebastian had shown me, imagining the sound of the waves and the breeze as I slowly drift off to sleep.

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