Chapter Three: The Library

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It's been four days since I've seen or heard anything from Ominis, nor Sebastian. I've been keeping myself busy with classes and spending time in the library. Anything for a distraction at this point, on the exception of Peeves. He's making it impossible for me to read anything I find in the library and Scribner won't let me take them else where to get away. I've been reading everything I can find in the restricted section on ancient magic but there is very little. Perhaps if I figure out a way to get past Peeves I can go a little farther down I can find something, but I may need a little help. I wonder if this would peak Sebastian's interests a bit and I could maybe get a glimpse at what's bothering him. I'll speak to him tonight after astronomy class.

As I walk to class all I could think of tonight. How am I going to find him? How am I going to ask him help me get into the restricted section again? So many questions going through my head. The moment I get to class, Amit is an immediate distraction from the chaos in my head. "Athena!! Welcome! Welcome! Did you use the telescope I gave you over summer— What am I talking about, of course you did! I started writings of my memoir, I obviously put our fun little journey last year in there but uhh let's not do that again please." I chuckle and am pleased to see him, "Hello, Amit. I promise to never bring you into anything dangerous again. But I had your back! We're alive aren't we. Let's get to class, I'm sure professor Shah is waiting for us." Amit grabs what appears to be his newest telescope and starts telling me all about it as we head to the upper floors. I always forget to bring a better robe or wear gloves for class. The air is so crisp, I can see my breathe with each exhale. The cold metal on my fingertips almost burns. It almost feels good. Despite the cold, the sky is beyond words tonight. The stars are so bright, glistening in different shade of blues, purples and greens. Professor Shah started another lecture, I knew it was going to be the last one and then I need to somehow track down Sebastian. Where could he be?

Leaving Astronomy class it seemed all the distractions I've been looking for all week are now in my way, making it difficult finding Sebastian. I've searched almost everywhere in the castle but no sign of him. Last place to look— the common room. I reach the base of the great stairwell and enter the Slytherin dungeons, as I turn corner I hear students talking. More of an argument really. As I get closer I realize that sounds like.. Sebastian! I peak around the corner to see him and Ominis talking. "Sebastian, you know I am thankful for your friendship and I always want to see what is best for you. Think about her-" Sebastian interrupts "I am thinking about her! She's all I ever think about! I worry if she's okay and safe and I'm not there to protect her!"
Could that be about Anne? I haven't heard about her all summer, I do wonder how she is doing. Ominis jumps in "We have company" he whispers quietly to Sebastian. I come around the corner and Sebastian turns to walk away once he sees me. "Wait, Sebastian! Please!" I shouted as I ran to him, grabbing the back of his robe. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to— I've been looking for you. I really need your help with something." He breathed in so deeply I could feel every ounce of air that entered his body. He slowly released it, turned to me and asked, "what do you need?" His eyes were clouded, it's as if he wasn't really looking at me, but past me. My hands shook as they were still clenching his robe. I quickly let go and took a step backward. A long minute past because I still wasn't quite sure how I was going to ask him to help me and I was frozen. "This is awkward.." Ominis muttered as he walked away into the common room leaving just the two of us in the hallway. I took a deep breath and shakily said "Will you- will you help me sneak past Peeves in the restricted section again? We will come up with a much better plan this time, we wont get caught and you-" He put his hand on my shoulders and said with a grin "When are we going?" I perked up and smiled, "I have a plan."

We get to the library, using Disillusionment charm and we sneak past Scribner to the restricted section. "So, what's this big plan of yours to get past Peeves?" Asked Sebastian. "I'm glad you asked" I respond with a delighted smile while hanging him some chomping cabbages. "My plan was to throw some of these to distract Scribner and blame it on Peeves."
"BRILLIANT!" Sebastian says excitedly. We both throw a total of four, that should be enough to keep them all busy. I hand Sebastian an invisibility potion, to be sure we are not at all seen in the library. We do watch the argument between Scribner and Peeves about the cabbages, quite the show. We make it into the restricted section unnoticed. After making down a few levels in silence, Sebastian breaks it and asks "So tell me, what is it you're looking for this time?" I hesitate to answer, "I'm looking for books on ancient magic. The keepers only taught me so little, I want to know more of the powers that I possess." Sebastian scoffed " Those Keepers barely taught you anything at all. I can see why you asked for my help to find out more."
As we got lower, I started to feel sudden rushes of magic. Like how I did during the trials, there must be something close. "I hope you know I could have done this myself, I didn't necessarily need your help Sebastian. I asked you because you're a friend and I don't see you anymore. I worry about you and I figured this would be a way to distract you from what's bothering you." What I said to Sebastian stopped him in his tracks. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He looked at me in such a way I'm not sure I've seen yet and said lowly "I haven't felt like myself in quite some time. This is exactly what I needed." I try not to push the topic more and make this discussion more difficult than it already is.

I feel it! I feel it more than I did earlier! It's so close, but where...
I see it! "Sebastian, look over here!" I pick up the book but as I do it starts to float. The book starts going through a corridor and it leads us to a pensieve. The book hovers over, opens up and pours memories into the pensieve. Sebastian and I look at each other curiously, grabbing the rim, dipping our heads into the pensieve.

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