Chapter Two: The Secret

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   The first week back at Hogwarts has been thrilling, seeing all my friends and favourite professors. I was glad to hear that Poppy's Gran enjoyed my visit, I wasn't sure she would fancy a Slytherin being her granddaughters best friend but I believe Poppy talked me up all year long. I was also happy hearing of all the things everyone had been up too over summer break, they all sounded very busy with family or sticking their noses into books studying to not fall behind this new school year. Although, I still haven't heard from Sebastian since I saw him last after charms class. I hope to get some answers soon.

   I am off to flying class, really hoping that Headmaster Black had changed things around this year so we can have quidditch! Madam Kogawa starts class with the basics, summon our brooms and fly around the pitch, practicing our coordination. This is definitely a feeling I have missed! Zooming through the sky, feeling the wind brush against my cheeks, the smell of pine and grass fill my airways. What a rush! Nothing makes me feel more alive. Well, perhaps the way I feel when I'm with Sebastian. The way he looks at me out the corner of his eye, with his half a smile, making me feel like I'm the only girl in the world worthy of his attention. Merlin! I'm getting distracted thinking of him I almost barreled through a group of students. "Pay attention while on your brooms! We don't want Black to cancel quidditch again this year now do we! Now, brooms away. Please go to the leaderboard protium to sign up for tryouts if you wish. Class dismissed." Yes! I'm quite excited to try out for the quidditch team. Tryouts are going to take place shortly after our holiday break!

   As I make my way to the pitch I run into Imelda Reyes. "Look who it is!" She shouts. "Signing up for the team? There's no way you'll beat me in tryouts for Slytherin seeker position." I shrug and tell her "Looks like we are going to find out." I sign my name on the podium and which position I am trying out for, obviously seeker. Imelda isn't the only good player for Slytherin, she's gonna find out the hard way.

   After signing up for the quidditch tryouts I head to Divinations class. I must say, I am excited to see professor Onai. I hope she wasn't too hard on Natsai over summer for everything she did during the last school year. I sit down for class when Onai asks to stay after class to speak. We refresh on reading tea leaves today, just to get back into the flow of class work. After class I wander over to professor Onai's desk. "Athena, welcome back to Hogwarts. I hope this year is as exciting as last year was." She stated. "As do I professor. This week already has been much better than the last." I responded.
"I'm very happy to hear that. The reason I wanted to speak with you was to thank you." She said to me, as I looked rather confused. "Thank me? For what professor?" I questioned. "For making friends with Natsai. She has always been very quiet and shy, especially after moving to a new place. She always held her fathers death very close to her and blamed herself, but because of you she has transformed into a even more beautiful gazelle. She no longer holds that pain of her father and has been able to enjoy life and feel real happiness. Thank you for being there for her." Professor Onai had caught me off guard. I was pleased to hear that Natsai had been doing so well over summer and improving her relationship with her mother. "You're welcome professor. Natsai is a dear friend to me and I am happy I got to help make such positive improvement in her life."

   It's midday now, I'm on my way to the Great Hall to hopefully have some roast chicken and kidney pudding. I walk to the Slytherin table and see my boys. "Hello Ominis—" I paused and debated on saying hello to Sebastian after being avoided all week. "Hello Sebastian." They both look up from their plates, mouths both full of cauldron cakes. "Bit hungry are you?" I snorted. "I've barely ate all summer, leave me alone." Mumbled Ominis with mouth still full of food. Sebastian manages to swallow down the mound of cakes in his mouth to say, "it's not everyday you get to feast like we do at Hogwarts." I sit down and start grabbing food to munch on. For the first time, I genuinely feel nervous. I am hesitant to say anything to Sebastian, so I spark a conversation with Ominis about potions earlier in the week. We laughed about the first day being back and Leander already having ideas about his new brews, while Sebastian still stuffs his face. I watch him closely as he eats, noticing he doesn't seem to be eating because of hunger, but almost to numb whatever he is feeling. He hasn't looked up from the table since I sat down. "You feeling alright Sebastian?" I ask him, in which he responds "I'm fine. Just trying to eat in peace." Once he finishes his bite he picks himself up and starts to leave the hall. Ominis had a look of secrecy that I couldn't ignore. "What is it you know Ominis?" I say deeply.
"I'm sorry, but I swore not to say anything. Sebastian can be rather stubborn and I am grateful you had saved our friendship but I wish to keep it that way. Whatever is going on with Sebastian, that is for him to tell you when he is ready." Ominis responded. As much as I didn't want to hear it, I knew he was right. Something was really bothering Sebastian and I realized how much it was bothering me that he didn't seem to trust me enough to talk with me about it. I'm not sure how long I can go like this.. I need to know what Sebastian and Ominis are keeping from me.

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