Chapter Seven: The Idea

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Waking up after whatever sickness I caught was excruciating. My body felt as if it were pudding, I felt very weak. Ominis did make me feel better being there for company and making me laugh, forgetting about my discomfort. Out the corner of my eye I notice someone standing in the doorway. It's Sebastian! "Glad to see you're up finally, I was about to take you to St. Mungo's myself! Here, I brought this for you." He stated as he was handing me a pepperup potion. "You may have some steam come out your ears for a while, but it should make you feel better. Brewed it myself." Sebastian warned. "Hopefully you're brewing skills are much better than Garreth's!" I laughed. I drink the potion and immediately steam starts coming out of my ears, like Sebastian said. "It appears to be working. Good! Here is a tea to help you relax a bit, get some more sleep and I'll be back to check on you." Sebastian says while tucking me back into bed. Ominis gives Sebastian a cheeky glance, one eyebrow raised with a smirk. He looks as if he is hiding something.

   I had fallen asleep again after that tea Sebastian had made for me. I wake up to an empty room. No Seb, or Ominis. I manage to get myself out of bed, still a little weak but with each step I start gaining my strength back. I shakily put on my nicely cleaned robes, no doubt Ominis was the one to clean these for me. "Im sure I've missed enough class" I thought to myself, "I should head to potions. Best speak to Leander."

   I walk into professors Sharps classroom and the first thing I witness is Garreth and his famous brews. "Didn't Sharp tell you not to brew your experiments in here, Garreth?" I question him.
"I'm sure he mentioned it, but where else am I suppose to practice if not here?" Garreth pondered.
I think I may have just the place for him! "How about you meet me after class? I have something great to show you!" I exclaimed excitedly. I see Ominis across the room, "Meet me in the undercroft shortly after class" I whispered to him as I walk by, heading to my potions table. Today, Sharp has allowed us to brew any potions we choose. I'm choosing Felix Felicis potion, it could come in very handy these up coming weeks. Another successful brew. Class is dismissed and I meet Garreth at the door. "So what is this great thing you have to show me?" Garreth asks, I wave my arm instructing him to follow me. We travel to the Astronomy Tower, and as we enter a long hallway on the seventh floor. We come across a large tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and I stand in front of it. Garreth looks around confused, "This is what you had to show me? A tapestry?" I gave a little laugh, "Just wait" I tell him.
A moment later, on the wall across for the tapestry, a doorway appears. "Merlin's beard!" Shouts Garreth. I walk into the room, Garreth skittishly followed behind, unsure of where I was taking him. "This is the room of requirement. I come here often to study my herbology and potions. I have plenty of crafting tables you can borrow when it comes to practicing your potions." I express to him.
"BRILLIANT!" Yelled Garreth "this is far better than professor Sharps class!"
"I knew this would be perfect for you!" I exclaimed, "hopefully this will give you the space to practice enough to pass your O.W.L.s!" Garreth is already throwing all sorts of ingredients into the cauldron, hopefully he doesn't blow this up now. Before leaving I check in with Deek, "Please keep an eye on him for me." I said to Deek. "Deek would be most pleased to help out more of your fellow wizard friends. If they are a friend of yours, they are a friend of mine." Deek nodded.

   Now that's taken care of, I must meet Ominis in the undercroft. I head down the staircase and make my way to undercroft. As I enter, I see Ominis waiting for me. "Hello Ominis!" I say with a big smile. He waves, but seems distraught. "What is the matter?"
Ominis shrugs, I can see him gathering his thoughts as his starts to speak, "I'm doing the best I can for Sebastian, but I am in just as much pain as he is about loosing Anne. I'm not sure how we are going to recover from this." He pauses. "I'm just as lost as he is without her."
Why did that sound familiar? Wait.. Lost. Anne said something about Sebastian being lost, but not without her. "I'm not sure what to say, Ominis. I wish there was more I could do." As the words escaped my mouth I had a brilliant idea pop into my head. It surely was not one I could talk to Ominis about. This was something I need to bring to Sebastian. I finish talking with Ominis and as I leave the undercroft I hear him say "I don't know what Sebastian would do without you." I'm starting to believe that more and more everyday.

I search the castle while I rush to the Slytherin common room, in hopes to find Sebastian. As I reach the end of the spiral staircase leading into the common room, I scan the room to my left. Not over there. I turn around to see Sebastian sitting on the same couch we shared the day I was sick. He is leaning against the back of the couch, neck draped along the headrest and appears to be staring at the ceiling. I walk up behind him as I'm looking down, tickling his nose with my hair falling into his face.
"Pfffft—" Sebastian blows my hair out of his face and smiles. "You look a lot better than the last time I saw you." He said chuckling. I plopped myself down beside him and replied "I am. How are you?"
He shrugged, not knowing how to respond. I'm not sure he really knew how he felt. "I feel hopeless. There is nothing I can do to stop this curse from taking Anne for good. I appreciate you going to talk with her, but it was no good. She won't change her mind." He struggled to get the words out.
I look at his face, he clenched his jaw as his eyebrows turned inward. I can't imagine what he is thinking right now. I wrap my arm in his, locking elbows, and holding him tightly. With my other hand I softly grab his chin, pulling his face up to look at me. The moment our eyes met I forgot everything. His hair gently falling on his forehead, the corner of his lips raised into a grin, softening his expression. I whisper to him, "I'm not sure how you're going to fare it, but I have an idea."
"You and your ideas," he giggles, "what is it this time?"
As I explained my plan to Sebastian, he listened carefully to what I said, envisioning it in his head. "That's quite the plan you have there, but I don't think it will work that easily." He stated. "Don't get me wrong, it's brilliant, but we will need to work out a couple things in order to make sure we succeed. The biggest thing is, don't. Tell. Ominis."
"Don't tell Ominis what?" Says Ominis walking into the room. Sebastian and I glance at each other nervously and both start to stutter, trying to formulate an excuse. Ominis' eyes widened not knowing who to focus on, Sebastian or myself.
"It's clear you two are doing something you're not suppose to, so I believe Sebastian was right. Do not tell me, I do not want to know." Ominis exclaims as he leaves the room. We both sigh in relief, followed by a moment of nervous laughter. "It's settled then. We shall wait a bit longer, making sure we execute this plan perfectly. Until next time." Sebastian smiled and waved.

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