Chapter 1 (explanations)

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Age: 23
Height: 5"2
Pronouns: He/Him
Crush: Debating on whether to let story take course...
Species: was a parrot hybrid but genetics were messed with making him a watcher/parrot
Info: Grian is trans so he was born a girl. He decided to change his name and appearance. Grian's parents were killed when he was 4 leaving him with his abusive aunt. His aunt abandoned him when he was 5 and sends him money every week so he didn't report her. Grian went through YHS until he was rescued by the council of watchers. He accepted to become a watcher when he was 13. He started EVO when he was 16 and a group of rouge watchers attacked it killing most of the members but converting others. Grian's watcher name is Xelqua and he lived with his rescuers (the watchers that saved him from YHS) for around 50 years (10 years in human years) until he was sent to hermitcraft in season 6. He was sent for his safety as a day later all the council of watchers was wiped out and killed. Grian hid in hermitcraft for a season until they updated to season 7. Grian made friends and remains in hermitcraft...

I am going to cry... I had an EX and Xisuma explanation written and Wattpad deleted it... RIP me... Now I'd better rewrite it...😭😭😭

Age: 25
Height: 6"1
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Voidwalker
Crush: None (is aromantic)
Info: Xisuma is EX'S twin but Xisuma hates him for becoming a watcher. Xisuma is a Voidwalker meaning that he can't breathe overworld air without it making him become sick, faint or close to dead. Xisuma wears a helmet for this reason. Xisuma was taken in as an admin when he was 15. He was in admin school for around 5 years and started hermitcraft after graduation. Ok the timeframe doesn't exactly work but who cares? Plus in admin school the time goes a lot quicker so he was there for 5 admin school years but only around 10 months in overworld time. Xisuma accepted players who were outstanding with redstone or building skills. EX hacked into the server in season 5 but because he was a watcher Xisuma banned him which took him to the Facility. The Facility is basically where majority of watchers live but higher ups live in end cities. Grian was apprenticed to the Prime Watcher when they received news of the Facility falling. Grian was sent away for safety by EX... I just realised that this has become more of a Grian and EX explanation than a Xisuma one...After Xisuma banned his brother he moved to season 6 where they picked up Grian and he joined.

Exavier/ EX
Age: 25
Height: 6"2
Pronouns: They/Them
Crush: Should I tell you or let the story take its course???
Species: Voidwalker turned watcher
Info: EX became a watcher after Xisuma's acceptance into admin school. He met Grian/Xelqua at the Facility and they became firm friends. EX can breathe overworld air because of the watcher genetics that were added when he was turned. EX faced the rouge watchers that were killing most of the council and sent Grian through a portal using a combination of hacking and his watcher abilities. The portal sent Grian to season 6 where moments later Grian met the hermits.

567 words

That's all for now BC it is 2 am and I want to sleep 🥱😴. Look out for updates on this chapter as I will probably add more here and change the word count constantly after the updates

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