Prologue III

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Waters near the portal (CFUN Base side)

As the 55th Patrol Fleet approached the anomaly with the reinforcement of the 56th and 57th Patrol Fleets, a pillar of light suddenly rose into the sky from the anomaly.

HMAS Bathurst: What in the world? Is this like the Battleship movie? What do we do Freedom?

USS Freedom: We withdraw. I will notify Command and Enterprise(65).

HMAS Armidale: Understood. 57th Patrol Fleet, fall back to base!

USS Independence(LCS-2): 56th Patrol Fleet, fall back to base!

USS Freedom: USS Freedom to Flagship Enterprise! A large pillar of light has spawned from the anomaly... we are currently 150 km from there. From the looks of it, it seems to be a portal of some sorts. All Patrol Fleets are withdrawing back to base.

Enterprise(65): This is Flagship Enterprise, understood. I will be preparing the strike fleets to mobilise in case this portal is bad news. Return to base for debriefing and maintenance.

As Enterprise(65) finished the radio transmission, her daughter, USS Enterprise (CNV-80), jumped onto her deck.

Enterprise(80): Mother, Iowa and the rest of the 49th Battle Fleet are reporting seeing a large pillar of light 500 km from here.

Enterprise(65): I know. Freedom just reported in to let me know that the Patrol Fleets dispatched to investigate are returning. According to her, it seems like a portal.

Enterprise(80): Should I call a meeting of all the Fleet Commanders currently stationed here to discuss the pillar and this portal?

Enterprise(65): Yes, that will be necessary. Also tell everyone to start mobilisation and preparations for sorties.

Enterprise(80): Understood, mother. Now excuse me, I have some Fleet Commanders to gather.

Time Skip brought to you by the Patrol Fleets returning

In the meeting room of the Combined Fleet, 69 Shipgirls were seated. As Enterprise(65) entered, everyone one of them stood and saluted.

Enterprise(65): I am calling to order this joint operations meeting! Enterprise, Fleet Commander of the 10th Strike Fleet, and Supreme Flagship of the Combine Fleet, reporting in. Everyone else, report in!

Midway (CVB-41): Midway, Fleet Commander of the 1st Strike Fleet, reporting in!

Roosevelt (CVB-42): Franklin D. Roosevelt, Fleet Commander of the 2nd Strike Fleet, reporting in!

Coral Sea (CVB-43): Coral Sea, Fleet Commander of the 3rd Strike Fleet, reporting in!

Forrestal (CV-59): Forrestal, Fleet Commander of the 4th Strike Fleet, reporting in!

Time Skip brought to you by the rest of the Fleet Commanders sounding off

Takashio (SS-597): Takashio, Fleet Commander of the 70th Submarine Fleet, reporting in!

Enterprise(65): Good. Now that everyone is here, let us discuss why I called this meeting.

Australia (CV 01): Is it to do with the pillar of light that we all by now have seen, mate?

Queen Elizabeth (R08): Indeed, that is a peculiar development. Do we know anything about that?

Enterprise(65): Indeed. Freedom, tell us what you saw when you approached the anomaly.

Freedom: Yes, when we were 150 km from the anomaly, a pillar of light suddenly rose. Then Independence reported 2 potential hostile contacts right around the anomaly. We believe that it is some kind of portal.

Iowa (BB-61): A portal, huh. Interesting. Well, if they come here intending on battle, count me in! I want to blow things up with my main guns!

Montana (BB-67): Iowa, calm yourself down. However if these contacts that were detected were hostile, we should probably prepare. What do you think, Enterprise?

Enterprise(65): Indeed. That is why I ordered this meeting. I am sending a Task Fleet to investigate this portal once we are done.

Nimitz (CVN-68): Who are we sending to secure the portal, Enterprise?

Enterprise(65): I will send 25th Strike Fleet, 28th Strike Fleet, 29th Strike Fleet, 30th Strike Fleet, 31st Strike Fleet, and the 49th Battle Fleet to secure the portal.

Enterprise(80), Elizabeth, Izumo, Hyuga, Invincible, and Iowa: Understood!

Enterprise(65): I also want the 1st Strike Fleet to the 16th Strike Fleet, excluding my own 10th Strike Fleet, 33rd Strike Fleet, 34th Strike Support Fleet, 35th Strike Support Fleet, 50th Battle Fleet, 51st Battle Fleet and 58th Support Fleet to support the first group.

Supporting Shipgirls: Understood!

Enterprise(65): Everyone else will be on standby to protect the base and the waters around the base.

Everyone Else: Understood!

Enterprise(65): Let's see what will come out of this portal.

Time Skip brought to you by all the shipgirls scrambling

Sitting around the portal, Observer Alpha was currently examining the portal. In the meanwhile, Purifier had wandered off, but understanding this unnatural phenomenon was more important to Observer. Suddenly, explosions ripped through the quiet ocean, with Purifier retreating as fast as she could.

Observer: What mess did you get into, Purifier?
Purifier: I noticed some ships earlier when we entered, so I went to see what kind there were, and 6 Fleets are approaching us with 21 Fleets supporting them.

Observer: I fail to see how this is my problem.

Purifier: You don't understand! These shipgirls can easily wipe out multiple Orochis and there are a lot of them!

Observer: So how many are approaching now?

Purifier: 86 Shipgirls to secure this portal, and another 347 Shipgirls to support them!

Observer: ... Not even Azur Lane and Crimson Axis have that many Shipgirls approaching from the other side. There is no way we can win against them, so we must withdraw now.

Purifier: But why? Can't we just summon our mass produced ships?

Observer: Judging by how much damage you have taken, we will need at least double the number of the shipgirls approaching, but we don't have that many. Also we are currently cut off, meaning we can't summon any mass production vessels.

Purifier: Well, we're screwed...

Suddenly explosions ripped through Purifier, severely damaging her rigging. As both her and Observer turned to face the Combined Fleet Shipgirls, they were hit by numerous Harpoon and Tomahawk missiles. Without further thought, the severely damaged Purifier and Observer Alpha fled through the portal, just avoiding the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis fleets, causing concern and fear to spread between both fleets.

After seeing the damage that the two high-ranking Sirens received, Enterprise(AL) made her decision. In front of everyone, she steamed full ahead into the portal, bringing two worlds together.

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