Prologue I

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A/N note: Combined Fleet of the United Nations will be referred as Combined Fleet, or CFUN 

(Also image from:

Waters near the base of the Combined Fleet (25/04/20##)

It was just another day on the northern patrol for the 855th Patrol Squadron and the 1855th Patrol Squadron of the 55th Patrol Fleet. As time approached 4 hours after the Patrol Fleet departed, the flagship, USS Freedom (LCS-1), decided to contact her sister, USS Nantucket (LCS-27) , who was leading the southern patrol squadrons, the 2855th Patrol Fleet and the 3855th Patrol Fleet.

USS Freedom: Sister, anything from the usual?

USS Nantucket: Nope, all's the same as usual, sis. However Indianapolis was reporting some anomaly with radar due south. Should we go and investigate or not?

USS Freedom: (thinking: sometimes our radar does have malfunctions... otherwise it might be better to call this in.) Was Indianapolis' radar working properly, or did anyone else pick up the anomaly?

USS Nantucket: No sis. It was only Indianapolis' radar, but her radar was just installed 2 months ago. I don't think it was a malfunction.

USS Freedom: Okay. We will be heading south to meet up with you. Once we rendezvous with you, we will head south to investigate this anomaly.

USS Nantucket: Understood. The 2855th and the 3855th Patrol Squadrons will be standing by.

Once the radio conversation ended, USS Freedom turned to the rest of the Patrol Squadron with her, notifying them of the intention to investigate an anomaly.

USS Freedom: 855th and 1855th Patrol Squadrons, change heading to 1-8-0, due South. We will be joining back up with the 2855th and 3855th Patrol Squadrons to investigate an anomaly.

USS Little Rock (LCS-95): Sister, are we calling this in?

USS Freedom: Yes, I will be.

As the vessels of the 855th and 1855th Patrol Squadrons turned due south, USS Freedom contacted the flagship of the Combined Fleets, USS Enterprise (CVN-65).

USS Freedom: This is USS Freedom to Flagship USS Enterprise, reporting in.

USS Enterprise(65): This is USS Enterprise, reading you loud and clear.

USS Freedom: A vessel in the 3855th Patrol Fleet detected an anomaly roughly 400 km due south during patrol routes. Permission to investigate as the 55th Patrol Fleet.

USS Enterprise(65): Understood. If there is such an anomaly, it may dampen our movement and activity here. You have permission to investigate. I will also be dispatching the 56th and the 57th Patrol Fleets. Wait until those fleets have met up with you before proceeding.

USS Freedom: Understood. USS Freedom on standby.

As USS Freedom finished her radio report to USS Enterprise(65), 855th and 1855th Patrol Squadrons had just rendezvoused with the 2855th and 3855th Patrol Squadrons. Turning to her sisters, USS Freedom notified them all of the developments.

USS Freedom: To all vessels in the 55th Patrol Squadrons, Flagship USS Enterprise(65) has granted us permission to investigate the anomaly roughly 400 km due south from here. We will be advancing at 10 knots towards the anomaly.

USS Wichita (LSC-13): Sister, why so slowly?

USS Freedom: We will be reinforced by the 56th and 57th Patrol Fleets to investigate the anomaly. Am I clear?

Other Shipgirls of the 55th Patrol Fleet: Yes, Fleet Commander!

USS Freedom: Now let us head to this anomaly.

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