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As they went Taehyung, saw the living room fully decorated with ballons and all every other decorating items.

He blinked a few times not understanding what was happening.

He turned around only to find that Hoseok and Jimin are gone.

Taehyung- Hyung? Where are you both?

He shouted but only his voice echoed back. He started looking here and there finding any traces of where Hoseok and Jimin suddenly disappeared? 

He was searching when suddenly he heard a shouting voice from behind.


Taehyung flinched and immediately turned behind and saw his members. All six of them standing there with a smile on their faces.

Taehyung was confused on what was even going on? And why were the members giving him a surprise. Cause till he remembered it's not his birthday.

Taehyung- Hyung.... What is going on? Why did you all shouted surprise?

Namjoon- We wanted to give you a surprise party. That's why.

Taehyung- Surprise party? Why? It's not my birthday and none of yours.

Jungkook- Ofcourse it's not your birthday Tae Tae Hyung and neither any of us. We just wanted to celebrate this special day with you and by giving you a surprise.

"Special Day? What is he talking about?"
Taehyung thought.

Taehyung- What special Day are you talking about? Will any one explain me what is going on here?

Jin- First you tell us. What date is today?

Taehyung- Today....uh--- 2 June. Why?

Yoongi- Now, also you don't know?

Yoongi asked and Taehyung shook his head as No. Yoongi face palmed himself while the rest chuckled seeing him.

Hoseok- Tae, today is the day you were revealed as the member of Bangtan for the first time. 

Taehyung's POV

Hoseok- Tae, today is the day you were revealed as the member of Bangtan for the first time. 

As Hobi Hyung said I widened my eyes realising. Right. It's 2 June. The day I was revealed.....

Jimin- What are you thinking Tae? Did you not like the surprise?

I came out from my thoughts when I heard Jiminie calling me. I looked at all of them and shooked my head.

I immediately took all of them in hugged all of them. I know they all were starled by the sudden hug but I didn't cared about it.

Taehyung- Thank you so much for this surprise guys.
After 5 minutes we parted the hug. I gave all of them my Boxy smile.

Jungkook- Hyungie... Why are you crying?

Crying? I touched my cheeks and found that tears were coming out from my eyes. I wiped them and said

Taehyung- It's nothing Kookie.

I said trying hard not to completely break in front of them. Jin Hyung came towards me and held my hand. He took me to the couch and made me sit there. They all also sat there.

Jin- Tae, don't lie. Tell us what happened? You don't cry easily. And I and all of us noticing that you are getting distance with us. Why Tae Tae? Tell us.

Hyung said but I stayed quiet. I realised what was happening. Firstly they ignored me and now they are giving me surprise.

Namjoon- Take, what happened tell us. Why are you crying again? Aren't you happy?

Namjoon Hyung asked. I looked at him and said

Taehyung- What do you mean Hyung? I am the one? You all are the one who are going away from me, ignoring me, talking bad about me behind my back, hiding things from me and now giving a surprise, like nothing happened. You can't just expect me to be happy.

Jimin- Tae, what are you talking about? When did we ignored you?

Hoseok- Or when did we talked bad about you?

Jungkook- And what did we hide from you Hyung?

All three of them said. Why are they behaving like they don't know anything.

Yoongi- Tae, tell us.

Taehyung- Ok, then listen. Jungkook you are asking about hiding? The day I went to meet my friends, you all were at a park talking about something and telling each other not to tell me.
When you came home and I asked you, you all lied to me saying you were with Pd nim.

Whenever I come and sat with you, you all would stop talking and start doing something else but as soon as I go away from there, you would again start talking. If this is not ignoring them what is it?

And talking bad. Didn't you all thought that I was lying when My head was hurting and you all sent me to my room? After I went, all talked about me. I was there only and I heard everything.
And recently when there is a scandel going on about me dating someone, you all did nothing. Instead blamed me. Thought that I am really dating her. Huh? Don't you know your words could hurt someone. Without thinking once, you all just talked bad about me.
Do you even know how sad I was? My health started affecting. I even had to go to doctor. And That day I found out, I was dealing with depression. I started self harming myself but none of you stopped me. Cause you didn't knew. How will you know when you didn't even talked with me.

I spatted angrily. All the things, which I wanted to say to them. I looked at them and they all were looking very shocked. Just then, they all at the same time said

OT6- You have depression and you self harmed yourself? Since when?


Hey Moonlights
Sorry for this late update.
I will update next part soon.
Thanks for reading
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Meet you all in the next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 990

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