He stood tall like a mighty soldier under the glare of the hot sun, hair glimmering like fresh blood similar to the once his hand touched, like the lives he had taken. His white button shirt moved with the rhythm of the wind, left sleeve dancing pathetically with no foundation to hold onto and yet he was grinning, as if his sword weren't humming with blood lust, he was grinning like a child, a child who has the world on the palm of his hand, who he could crumbled and spin as fast and as often as he likes.

Y/n could feel the power rumbling within his skin, like a caged beast purring with the promise to kill and to destroy. His hands rested almost calmly on the hilt of his sword, thumb caressing the thread that wrapped around its handle as if he was itching to fight, to kill and to erase a life, as if he was born only to destroy and to destroy, to take and to take.

Shanks is a kind man for what she had heard and what she had seen back on her old world, where the threat of the raging sea and the danger that accompanies every man where nothing but fiction and imagination turn to art.

But here, Shanks held something that she had never felt before. Not even on Galien, on Akaiunu and not even on Doflmaingo who's sadistic side is infamous all over the sea. Shanks has something malicious, something dark, one that reeks of death and rotten flesh, the glint on his eyes were bright, dangerous, a promise of something that you can never go back to, Shanks reeks of Evil.

Y/n's whole body tense, shoulder rigid and feet planted firmly on the floor board. It was almost instinct for her body to post like she was waiting for a war, for a bullet who will come and for a blade that will struck.

Shank is dangerous' she whispered on her mind as a sweat rolled down her neck.

Like a snake, subtle he was and yet dangerous all the same.

"Nothing, Captain" Benn answered and y/n briefly wonder if he can feel what she's feeling at the moment.

"Is that so? YAHAHAHAH" he laughed as he patted the gunner on his back, carefree and calm but it's still there, just well hidden, death still sings underneath his skin.

Then Shanks turned towards her, all grin and joy. And y/n wonder if that sight is the last thing his victim had saw when he killed them. 

"Ooohh" Shanks step forward, Y/n took a step back. "Oh come on now! I wasnt going to bite you know? Dont be nervous m'kay?" He smiled at him
"Just trynna look how pretty you are, sweetheart"

She clenched her jaw, hand itching to grab the blade on the holster of her pants.

"Where did you find her, benn?" He had asked, still staring at her, as if memorizing every mole and scars on her face.

"Out in the ocean, she was travelling all alone on her little boat. Figured we could take her aboard since it was dangerous"

"It is dangerous indeed" he smiled at her "do you know that we took down 3 sea kings in the span of 5 hours in this area? It would be ashamed for a beauty like you to die like that y'know?"

"I can handle myself" she spat, irritated and afraid.

Shanks grinned again, wider this time. "I'm sure you can" he spoke as if she was a child, lying to calm her down. "But it would be better for our conscience to not leave a lady like you out in the sea, wether you can handle yourself or not"

"So you kidnapped me in order to feel better about yourself? Ignoring my statements and invalidating my feelings?" She answered with a glare
"You're not doing this out of the kindness of your heart but so you cannot feel guilt later, some good pirates you are" she glance at Yassop on her statement, finding the man looking sheepish.

With her sweetened breath [ONE PIECE]Where stories live. Discover now