Chapter - 5

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The paramedics immediately rushed Jenny in the ambulance to the 'Redwood Hospital', her condition was getting from bad to worse. No matter how much pressure they put on the wound, but the rate of bleeding just wouldn't slow down. And moreover, it was a struggle, for her, to keep her eyes open but the paramedics wouldn't have it any other way..... whenever she was ready to give up, they would immediately shook her awake and get her to open them again.

Juliet was crying the entire way to the hospital. She stroked Jenny's pale and sweaty forehead with one hand and with the other she held her hand. She felt guilty....because one way or another she always knew that Jenny was being hurt by somebody. She had tried to ask her about the ever-present cuts and bruises...but Jenny had somehow always managed to distract her. She blinked back her tears.... when she recalled how she had earlier heard her cries of pain and mercy when she had gone to her house to return her wallet which she had accidently dropped in the café..... she had heard somebody's scream and ran inside to help, only to find the front door of the house locked from inside..... she knocked so many times but nobody answered..... then she had heard the scream again..... and had decided something was wrong and help was needed. Since the front door was locked she started searching for any window which was open and there she had come across the window of Jenny's room...the window was not closed properly, and she peeped through it only to find her best friend on her back on the ground wailing in pain while Reynolds punched the shit out of her. She hadn't been able to believe what she was seeing but she had acted on her instincts and called the cops at once. And now she was grateful that she had because a little more time wasted would have cost the life of her friend.

They were able to reach the hospital on time without getting caught in any kind of traffic jams. Immediately the stretcher was taken out of the ambulance by the male nurses and Jenny's now gasping body was laid down on a trolley bed. They all but dashed towards the emergency section, and shortly a young blonde haired, friendly faced doctor came at their side and introduced himself to Juliet as Dr. Nolan Rodriguez and asked her some questions regarding Jenny's condition and then asked her to fill the form at the reception counter.

Juliet scrambled towards the counter and asked for a form, from the girl on the counter, she filled it up carefully and handed it back to her. She immediately made her way to the waiting room...... and awaited for the updates of betterment in her friend's health with a bated breath. Dr. Rodriguez walked into the room with an another woman and immediately locked his green eyes with those of Juliet's and confirmed gently "You are here for Miss William, aren't you?" "Yes, Y-Yes I am.... How is she now...? Is she going to be okay?" she enquired the doctor in a thick voice. Her grey eyes were bloodshot and she was trying her best to not crumble in front of the doctors. "We don't know that yet..... because she had lost a lot of blood and her wound is also very deep, she's critical right now." said the woman, who was also a doctor, with compassion in her eyes. "Yes, don't worry, we will try our best.....but most importantly we want you to inform her parents/guardians because this is a very serious case and we would need their consent to perform the surgery otherwise we wouldn't be able to proceed further with the treatment", said the male doctor, the woman squeezed her shoulders and said "Don't loose hope, darling" and both of them went back to the Jenny's room.

Juliet then knew that she had only one person to turn to.... Jenny's Aunt and Godmother, Chloe Miller, and she would damn well leave no stones unturned, in order to get her back over there in Bellburn Town. Jenny had suffered enough...... and it's time that someone took care of her.

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