Chapter 16

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Has anyone ever come across the feeling........that just when you think everything is under control................fate immediately takes the strings from your hands and becomes the narrator of your life, while you are simply left as a pawn to its desires. Malcolm Wilson never thought he would ever find a girl, who would make his heart beat go crazy. But looking down at the passed-out beauty in his arms, he just knew that she was something else...................He found himself insanely attracted to her beauty. Without thinking, he tightened his arms around her and pulled her body closer to his chest, and took in her appearance carefully, as if committing her face to his memory..............he noted her light complexion, long tresses of wavy brown hair, her flawlessly sculpted lips as if crafted by angels themselves and also the fact that she had the longest elegant pair of eyelashes. But the feeling of disappointment crashed heavily inside him because he was unable to see her eyes since they were closed........he wondered if they were grey like ashes, or maybe green like fresh grass..........................................

Except he didn't have to wait long, because, at that moment, she slowly opened her eyes.........lazily blinking away the vagueness and directly looked him in the eyes. Malcolm felt his mouth go dry........because she had the prettiest pair of coffee brown eyes that were now nervously peeking glances of her surroundings. Edginess emanated from her.......which made her seem all the more fragile and sensitive.

"Wha-what happened?" She faltered in a husky voice, instantly breaking the eye-contact with him.

" just collapsed. And I happen to be at the right place at the right time" He replied, smiling down at her.

Never ever, in his entire life of nineteen years had Malcolm been so attracted to any girl............of course, he had dated several of the girls, but this girl was so unlike them...........almost like chalk and cheese. It, in truth, felt silly to him because here he was so unwilling to let her get away from his arms........he loved the position they were in, her hands on his shoulders and his strongly wrapped around her waist........he could practically feel the pounding of her heart while she, on the other hand, looked like a bundle of nerves in his arms, as if she couldn't wait to get away from him..........he sensed the sudden trembling of her body and when he looked over at her face was all flushed....she was sweating profusely in addition to that.....he realised she was panting if, someone was choking her.

Immediately, he recognised the symptoms of a coming panic attack....., and at once he moved his right hand at the back of her knees and instinctively lifted her bridal style then made his way towards one of the secluded chairs present there........all the while gently whispering in her ear "It's okay, you are going to be completely fine. Just stay with me, okay". However, she was increasingly getting detached from herself. As they reached over to their destination, he quietly made her sit on the chair and then knelt down on his knees in front of her..........not touching her.

"Tell me what do you need?" He lightly questioned her.

At once she started muttering unintelligibly and he couldn't understand any other word except 'water', so Malcolm took a quick look around him because he knew he had passed the water cooler on his way here and found it at once, but it was all the way near the baggage claim area........ He took one of her hand in both of his and caressed it soothingly then spoke to her in a very tender voice "You are doing a great job, okay. And I am proud of you. I am going to bring you sit here and don't go anywhere. I will be back before you know it", Malcolm hesitantly got up from the floor not wanting to leave her alone even for a second so taking a last look of her face........he speedily made his way to the water cooler.

The airport was crowdie with people all around; he had slammed into more than ten people, all the while cursing at himself for being late. But when he reached to the place where he had left her to wait for him........with a bottle of water in his hand, he found that it was empty. He turned around and tried to find her face in the mass of the other individuals, even attempted to talk to the people sitting nearby.............but no luck. He tried to recall her clothes that she was wearing.........but it was all blank. He came to utter realisation that for the first time in his life, he had really liked a girl not by her clothes, not by her body........but simply because of her innocence and simplicity and now she too was gone......

Heyy Guys...........(smiles widely and waves)

I am very sorry for the delay in chapters but now that i am back I will be posting the chapters regularly...........

And as for you know I have decided upon the characters......

Selena Gomez will be our Jenny

And Taylor Lautner will be Malcolm

so up there is....... Malcolm Wilson.

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