Chapter 18

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Malcolm was absolutely worn-out, as soon as he had landed back here in New York after his visit to Illinois............his entire afternoon was spent in writing new songs, tuning and practising them with his friends, they were a local band..........Octavien, Fabia, Rachel, Patrick and himself together formed 'Rhinestone Devils'. The five of them had created this band when they were in high school and they were still strong now. The first time when they had performed at 'Bovine Grill', which is owned by Henry, Rachel's uncle, they were all so edgy because it was a big opportunity for them and any sloppy or careless move could blow it up on their faces..........................except the moment they had started performing, song after song, their confidence grew and at last when they finished, they were declared a big hit. The audience loved their music, and several of them, specifically girls, personally came to compliment them. Furthermore when the next day, Henry himself phoned them, to ask if they could perform in his bar thrice a week, they all were utterly chuffed. Thus began the journey of 'Rhinestone Devils'. So now presently, after spending his whole afternoon at Fabia's with his band mates he decided that he was awfully bushed to make it to home, and was going to crash at Patrick's couch.

"Pat, can I crash out at yours, tonight?"

Patrick was busy texting someone on his phone and so didn't even bother to look at him "Whatever dude, you know you are always welcome"

Patrick and Malcolm have been childhood best buddies and it was typical of them to crash at each other's. Quickly, Patrick drove them to his house, where they were planning to call it a night. So when they entered his house, deeply involved in the discussion of the cars.................they were completely gobsmacked to see Sadie sitting on the said couch where Malcolm was planning to crash on. Sadie was Patrick's on and off girlfriend and judging by the way she kept glaring at his friend, he could simply tell that they were in one of their off phase. Except when she turned her head and saw Malcolm standing beside him, her deep navy eyes were no longer angry also a sweet smile graced her full lips as a consequence he felt Patrick's sudden intake of deep breath and heard him muttering under his breath about how gorgeous she was.

 "Hey Malcolm...., Long time no see?"

"Yeah was a bit busy with band and, so, how are you?"

She turned her head towards her ex-boyfriend and replied smugly "oh I am good, in truth these days I am really great..........without any uncalled-for drama, life is really superb!"

"Oh yeah, then get the hell out of my house" Patrick's face was contracted in rage.

"Your house, if you remember slimeball my name is also there in the that means I have every goddamn right to be here and now if you don't mind......hey wait a minute I don't care if you mind, I need some rest......" She turned her back to them and ambled in the direction of the bedroom.

"You can't sleep in the bedroom" Patrick all but barked at her.

"And who says so?" Sadie reacted nonchalantly. Malcolm could tell that she was thoroughly enjoying pissing the hell out of his mate. And he could tell she was thriving on it because right now his buddy was all set to blow a fuse.

", I see you definitely need to learn a lesson" Patrick answered her question in a deceptively calm voice while he looked anything but calm and made a run in her direction at the same time Sadie squeaked, her attempt to hurry was in vain because her ex-boyfriend's arms were already at her waist. To all intents and purposes, he carried her upside down on his shoulde to the bedroom even as she was actively screaming profanities at him. He paused on his way for a moment and turned to look at his forgotten friend,

"Mal, uh you can still crash in here, but bro, if you want to get a no noise siesta, then I suggest you go home buddy.............because tonight, me and her, are in for a deep chat also, take my car if you wanna leave"

Malcolm very well knew how that deep talk between them would end up between them so he at once agreed,

"I think I will go home......see ya tomorrow Pat"

With that said Malcolm quickly took hold of his friend's car keys and fled from the house.

After parking the mustang, in his driveway he hustled his way to the front door of the house where he lived with his family, with only one thing in mind that was to catch some z's aka to go to sleep. Thus the moment he opened the door, from the sound of his mother talking with someone also the clatter of dishes, he could tell that someone was over for dinner and since he knew that it was Friday, Miss Miller (Chloe) his mother's best friend and co-worker would be over for dinner except as he entered the living room he was shell shocked to see her, his 'Airport Angel' sitting on his couch at his home!

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