°{Chapter 10: Questioning}°

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"So; What do you plan to do?"
"I can't tell if he's awake because of the paper bag, his head is slumped but. . . Could it be an act?"
They had him in a room, they cuffed, tied and chained him to the table and floor but they hadn't removed the paperbag or glasses just yet.
"Ready Goldheart?"


Dr Flug blinked a few times, was Black Hat calling out to him-?
Oh nevermind.
"Oh; Goldheart."
"You must be Dr Flug."
Dr Flug titled his head,"So you know my name, lovely to know I am a topic.", Alpha glared,"Don't get ahead of yourself; We know you're Black Hat's assistant-", "Correction; Scientist.", Dr Flug shrugged,"He's got other demons for that, I just make things for him; So Personal Scientist.", Go-Lo wrote that down, okay guess there was that.
Omega resumed the questioning, placing a picture of Mrs Heart,"You know her right? She confessed you two have history before she became a Hero, Villain School huh?", it was hard to tell what the fuck he was thinking, but Dr Fkug just shrugged again,"Yeah; I'll admit she and I knew each other at one point, though she's dead to me now.", Omega,"Really?","She betrayed Black Hat, me and then she betrayed you; honestly I don't even know who's side she's on anymore.", Go-Lo took the lead again,"Who are you?", "Dr Flug.", "That's not true.", Goldheart stood next to Go-Lo,"There's no record of Dr Flug in any records.",Dr Flug didn't respond to that, he merely leaned his head back a bit and shifted now it came to his attention that he was not only cuffed, but tied and chained.
"Take off the paperbag."
Dr Flug tried to shift but it was no use if they used everything to keep him to the chair and table.
Go-Lo reached forward and pulled off the glasses and paperbag.
. . .
. .
"I can't see shit."
Dr Flug could see nothing, everything was blurred to the extreme and could make it a some colour that was blurred together.
"Oooh. . . You  uh. . ."
Go-Lo took the glasses amd put them back on his face, readjusted them for him and stepped back.
"Okay; Better. I can see again, thank you."
The heroes were. . . Taken it back by his face.
His face had these burns that didn't look from anything like fire, he had blue eyes, gold blonde hair and a very noticeable claw mark.
"That was not what I was expecting-"
"What were you expecting? Probably that I would look more intimating or perhaps a demon?"
. . .
It dawned on the Heroes that he looked like a normal person, he didn't seem to have any powers or any features that suggest he had any powers.
Besides the scars; He looked. . . Like an average person.
"Alpha and Omega; Guard the door."
"Got it Goldheart."


"What do you think?"
Go-Lo stared at the picture,"I dunno. . . With the scars and burns, we probably won't be able to find a match to who he could be. And like we said a few days back, there's no one with the last name 'Flug', and the first name 'Kenny' is common.", Go-Lo put the picture in a file, Goldheart paced the room,"Maybe a blood test or we check the database again, just to be sure.", Go-Lo nods, picking up her phone,"I'll call the tech team to go through it again.", Goldheart nods, leans against the wall as Go-Lo talked to whoever was on the end of the line.
Goldheart looked back into the questioning room, Alpha was checking Dr Flug for any weapons or devices like under his sleeves and gloves, though it just revealed his hands also had strange unnatural burns.
. . .
"Whatcha thinking?"
"I dunno."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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