°{Chapter 3: Break In}°

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"Just as I said, someone who I thought was a mechanic came in."
They came to question Mrs Heed about the potion she stole only they ran into a security guard that was being yelled at by his boss.
"G-Lo? Mind looking over the CCTV, see if you can find the intruder?"
"Yes Sir!"
So Goldheart went off to the cells and G-Lo went to the computer and checked the CCTV.
. . .
She saw someone walk in and greet the guard, in a different camera they had a paperbag on their head seemed to be talking to Mes Heed and when leaving they had no paperbag.
"What. . ."
Their face was always covered or they had their face out of view of the camera view.
"They came in, went to Mrs Heed, fixed the problem and left to cover their tracks.
"Then the real mechanic came in."
G-Lo looked at her partner, who was the person in the paperbag and is the same person that faked being a mechanic?




Goldheart left her,"She's not being helpful.", "She's been more annoying, keep saying the name Cecile.", Goldheart frowned,"Odd. Anything, G-Lo?", "Yea.", she showed them the footage.
"This keeps getting more mysterious."
"Wait. . . There's only one person I've seen with a bag on their head."


"It's the guy that creature saved!"
The replayed the footage from the warehouse and sure enough someone had a paperbag over their head and was saved by some. . . Human, reptile hybrid thingy that then took them from the site?
. . .
Omega looked at the footage,"What's the plan?", "We find ot who that was, they could be a key of taking down Black Hat.", Goldheart nods, G-Lo was already making a bulletin board with pictures and had the red strings ready.
They were going to find out who that was, and if they do they can either force them to help them take down Black Hat or get answers from them.

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