What Changed? (Pacifica and Gideon)

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Pacifica Perfect was once asked about Gideon Northwest, her arranged future husband. How he used to be and what changed. Can you guess what her answer was?

His hair and his brain.

When she first met Gideon, he was a smiling sunshine with light brown hair and amber eyes, while she had her perfect blonde hair and light green eyes. At first, the two didn't get along due to their differences, but after Gideon's father 'convinced' him to try getting along with her, he never stopped talking. He showed her his powers, she got her own in the future, and he gave her free access to his dressing room and free entrance to his show.

However, something that she didn't fully understand — part of her knew she was at fault — happened to Gideon after they turned nine (two years after they met). Once the tent was on a break from the shows, Gideon would start to sneak away as soon as possible and only come back a few hours before he had to perform again. He never gave any answers to Pacifica about where he was and what he was doing. Until one day, he came with a white streak on his hair and his eyes a bit different — the amber colour was becoming lighter, like it was turning white. When she confronted him about it, his answer was "It's because of my amulet, don't worry about it." and he left soon after, shutting his dressing room's door behind.

Of course, when the hair turned even more white and she confronted him in front of both their parents (who also suspected something), he got so nervous that he spit out the truth: he found a spell to 'upgrade' his magic; that moment, Pacifica demanded to have that spell too. Gideon's response to her demand was. . .

Running away.

When she found him, he said that he tried to get the spell for her, but it was gone.


She only found out he lied years after, a few weeks after he revealed he could replicate his amulet. The truth was that he actually got rid of the spell, he was officially the only one capable of making more amulet and whatever else he could do that he didn't show her. It wouldn't matter if someone took his amulet, only he would be able to use the spell. And yes, he could use any amulet to do it, he just needed to have one in hands.

Now, his hair is completely white, his eyes changed from amber to a very light grey, and finally, to blue. The sweet, innocent and energetic smile he once had now ceased to exist, he only had a fake smile to his audience and a mocking smile for her and the Pines — mostly Dipper, who he teases the most. He went from the loving sunshine she mistreated, to a double-faced diva whose sanity is slowly decreasing with every day that passes.

Due to the recent events with the Pines, Pacifica wonders if she's becoming just as mentally unstable as him, or if he was so far from sanity that her instability couldn't even reach.

Both answers — yes or no — are bad. And she knew exactly why.

End of Short One

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