PP (2)

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The twins took their baggages off of the bus. Mabel felt someone poking her shoulder and turned her head back to see who poked her, without taking her hands off of the pink suitcase she was holding. "Excuse me?" a woman asked. "Are you Mabel Pines?"

"Yeah! I'm Mabel Pines!" Mabel replied. "Who are you?"

"My name is Melody, I work for your Great Uncle, Stanford Pines." she said.

"Cool!" Mabel said. "Did you hear that, Dipper?"

"Yeah, I heard it." Dipper said, holding a suitcase in his arms.

Melody took the suitcase from his hand. "You must be Dipper, is that right?"

"Yes, I'm Dipper." Dipper said.

"Nice to meet you two, let me help you." Melody said.

Melody helped them take their suitcases out of the bus, she led them to an old car and put their baggages (with the twins's help, of course) on the car's boot. She closed the boot and looked at them. "Come inside, mister Ford is waiting for you at the lab."

"Lab?" Dipper asked.

"He's a scientist." Mabel said.

"A fake scientist." Dipper said.

"He said he was fake?" Melody asked.

Dipper and Mabel's eyes widened in surprise, both were confused at Melody's question. Did she think their uncle was a real one? Their mother told them he was a fake. Wait. . . Did their mother lie? Or did he lie to their mother? That was probably it! Excitement filled Dipper's chest, he smiled from ear to ear. "He's a real supernatural scientist? Does that mean the supernatural is real?!"

"Why don't we let your uncle show you?" Melody asked, with a soft smile.

Dipper rushed into the car, Mabel ran right after him. Melody walked to the driver's seat and closed the door. The three put on their seatbelts and Melody turned the key on the car and drove away, heading to the mentioned lab.

"I can't believe it!" Dipper said, his arms were raised up to his chest. "He's not a fake! This changes everything, Mabel!"

"Imagine all the things that could be real! Like unicorns, fairies," Mabel gasped. "Vampires!"

"Do you think he's gonna take us to magical adventures?"

"It would be cool if he did!"

Melody silently heard the twins chatting and giggling with excitement, she couldn't help but smile. She loved children, and having two little excited kids for the winter break was perfect to her, hopefully they weren't too much of troublemakers. She parked the car on a parking spot nearby a big lab, at the entrance of the lab was a sign written “Mystery Lab”. Dipper put his hands on the window, his smile grew. The three took off their seatbelts and opened the door — all in synchrony. Dipper jumped out of the car and almost ran inside, but Mabel caught his arm.

"Slow down! We have to get out suitcases first." Mabel said.

"Sorry, I'm just," Dipper let out a high pitched scream, bouncing excitedly.

Mabel giggled. "Nerd."

"Hey!" Dipper exclaimed, crossing his arms.

"What's with all the noise?" asked a man at the door of the lab. His hair was grey, with wrinkles on his aged face, he seemed to be around his fifties or sixties. He wore a white lab coat with protection glasses on top of his head. The twins and the man stared at each other for a minute, until Melody broke the silence and introduced them. "Kids, this is your great uncle, mister Pines, those are your niblings."

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