PP (6)

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A boy with light brown hair and deer antlers on his head stood in front of the twins. He looked like a teen, his torso was exposed and on the back were three white dots, one Mabel had seen before.

"Those dots. . ." Mabel thought. A flashback came to her head, she saw those dots on her deer. "Grunts. . .?"

The boy kept silent, glaring at the bear in front of the three. "Go back to your cave, beast!"

"Watch your mouth, child," the bear said. "Don't forget I'm a superior!"

"And my mom is your superior."

The bear laughed. "Own, you're gonna cry to mommy?" the bear asked. "Oh, wah wah wah, mommy help me!"

The bear continued to mock the boy. A giant shadow with deer antlers and glowing narrowed red eyes as if they were filled with anger. "Um, Mr. Bear," Mabel called.

"What is it, insolent child?"

"I think you should behind." Dipper said with a smile on his face.

The bear turned around. His mockery turned into nervousness instantly. "Luonno! Long time no see—"


The shout echoed through the woods, it was loud enough for almost everyone in town to hear it. Including a white-haired boy with a white cape from a mansion, who was just brushing his hair on his dressing table. "Hm?" he hummed in confusion. "Now, what are those Forest Entities doing now?"

"Just ignore them," a blonde girl said. She was taller than the boy — or at least, that was the impression her high heels gave her to be. "They're savages, probably fighting over territory."

"Yeah," the boy said, glancing at the window. "Probably."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"You two, get out of here." Luonno demanded.

"But," Mabel turned to the boy. "Grunts. . .?"

The boy looked at Mabel. "I'm not Grunts."

"Then, where is he?"

"You're looking for this little kid?"

The twins followed the voice. She saw Robbie leaning on a tree with a small child on his arms, one that looked like the teen Mabel mistook for her deer pet. The child waved at Dipper and Mabel.

"Grunts!" Mabel ran towards him. Robbie gave Mabel the weredeer, who hugged her and turned back into a baby deer. "Thank you, Robbie!"

"Yeah yeah, you're welcome," Robbie said. "Hop in you two."

"Hop where?" Dipper asked.

"You're not going anywhere!" the bear shouted.

"Yes, they are!" Luonno shouted back.

"Come on already!" Robbie said.

Dipper ran next to Robbie and his sister. Robbie rushed to the back of the tree he was leaning, the twins finally noticed the red motorbike he had brought with him. "Woah, why do you have this?" Dipper asked.

"To save you from trouble that isn't, but here I am," Robbie said. He grabbed Mabel's hand and helped her get up on the bike as well. He grabbed Dipper's hand afterwards and helped him up as well. Robbie turned the bike on and drove away in a fast speed. The bear threw a tree at the three, luckily Luonno made the tree stop and threw it back at the bear, making it fall. She dragged it back inside of the cave.

"We are supposed to protect the humans, not attack them." Luonno said. "Stay there, you're grounded." she closed the cave. She turned her head to Robbie, Mabel and Dipper, who were making their way back to the lab.

Gravity Force (Gravity Falls AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang