DRH (10)

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Mabel arrived at the old store, it was really big, it had white walls and a bunch of glass windows. The white light inside was the only thing illuminating the place, the sun was almost gone. At the entrance were a couple of flowers and some gardening tools.

"This place is pretty." Mabel said.

She walked inside of the store, she took two steps further and the door behind her closed, she shivered as she turned back confused and surprised.

"Walking one-dimensional bleached blonde Valley Girl stereotype, huh?" Pacifica asked.

Mabel quickly turned to her front, seeing Pacifica standing a bit ahead of her, she wasn't there before, and that surprised Mabel.

"Is that what I am to you?" Pacifica asked.

"Hi?" Mabel said. "You really took that personal, didn't you?"

"You embarrassed me and you thought I'd just let it slide? Too bad for you!" Pacifica shouted, walking closer to Mabel.

"You started that." Mabel said.

"I just wanted to see him and you didn't let me." Pacifica stated. "You're on our way."

"Wait, is “him” Dipper?" Mabel asked, stepping back a bit. "You could've just waited for him instead of acting crazy!"

"You want to see me crazy? Fine!" Pacifica raised her hand, Mabel was surrounded by a purple light and started to float. "I'll show you crazy!"

Pacifica threw Mabel in a bunch of mannequins, they all fell in a small deep pool at the side, Mabel swam out of the pool and grabbed the bay, her hand was stepped on by Pacifica, Mabel winced in pain. She looked up to Pacifica with a terrified look.

"Your powers are real?!"

"Don't act like you didn't know!" Pacifica's step got heavier, Mabel groaned lowly in pain. "You knew about my magic! You heard me that night!"

"H—Heard you?" Mabel asked. "When? What night?"

"Don't act dumb, when you came to Gideon's show!" Pacifica said.

"I didn't hear you say anything! I didn't even know about your powers!" Mabel defended herself, but it was in vain.

Pacifica took her foot off of Mabel's hand and made her float again, Mabel gasped as she saw a spear flying towards her.

"Let's see if you'll lie again after this." Pacifica said, smiling evilly.

Mabel's eyes widened in fear, her breath got slower as the spear approached her, she closed her eyes tightly and almost cried.

"Now tell me, how did you do it?!" Pacifica asked. "How did you block your mind?! Who do you work for?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Mabel shouted.

"You blocked yours and your brother's mind from me! Is it your grunkle? Is he also behind this scheme?!" Pacifica asked.

"I have no clue what you're talking about!" Mabel shouted, tears running down her cheeks. "Please let me go!"

Pacifica opened her mouth to speak, but something behind her made her let go of both the spear and Mabel.


Pacifica squirmed as she fell on the ground, Mabel jumped out of the water and kneeled on the ground, she heard quick footsteps towards her as she rubbed her eyes. "Are you okay?!"


"Yes, it's me!" Dipper said, kneeled in front of her. He gave her a tight hug. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get you in this situation!"

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