DRH (7)

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Mabel, Robbie and his gang were racing with their bikes, Robbie was almost reaching the end but a ginger haired girl passed him and won the race. Robbie was the second to cross and Mabel was the third.

"Ha! I won again." the girl said.

"As usual, it's almost impossible beating you, Wendy." Robbie said.

Mabel stopped her bike in the middle of the two, almost hitting Wendy. "Sorry! I went too far! It was an accident I swear!"

"It's alright, buddy." Wendy said. "Accidents happen."

"Be more careful with my girlfriend, Mabel." Robbie demanded.

"Robbie, there's no need to be rude." Wendy said. "She's just a kid."

". . .Girlfriend?" Mabel asked.

"He didn't tell you?" Wendy asked. "We're dating."

"Those two are the most clingiest couple in the group." a blonde boy said.

"You're just jealous I have a girlfriend and you don't, Lee." Robbie stated.

Lee rolled his eyes, pulling his phone out and not taking his eyes off of it after. Nate and Thompson put their bikes near a tree.

"Okay, race's over, let's eat!" Tambry said.

"Where are the snacks, Nate?" Thompson asked.

"Over here!" Nate said, showing his jacket.

Inside of it was filled with candy, crisps, soda, and more, Mabel looked at it with stars in her eyes and an amazed smile, like it was the first time she had ever seen that much food.

"Picnic time!" Tambry exclaimed, punching the air.

Mabel pulled a blanket and placed it on the grass, it was big enough for all of them and had many constellations in them as well.

"Woah, where did you buy this, kid?" Wendy asked.

"I didn't buy it, my mom made it for me." Mabel answered.

"Own, look, she had it handmade from her mommy!" Thompson said, mockingly.

"Oi, you shut up!" Robbie demanded. "Only I can mess with those kids." he stated. "And who are you to talk? Your beanie was a gift from your grandma."

Some of the teens laughed, leaving Thompson embarrassed as he looked away, Mabel laughed as well, but she didn't even bother much about that, she was happy that Robbie defended her.

"Hey guys, check this out." Wendy said, showing her phone. "That Pacifica Perfect kid is going out with a boy."

The teens looked at Wendy's phone screen, Mabel gasped as she recognised the two in the picture.

"What?" Tambry asked.

"No way your brother got a rich girl!" Robbie said.

"I knew it!" Mabel stated. "Dipper has a girlfriend! Dipper has a girlfriend!"

"Dipper?" Thompson asked.

"That's my brother's name." Mabel said.

"Isn't Dipper the name of a star?" Nate asked.

"That's the name of an asterism of the Ursa Major." Tambry said.

"Just like his birthmark!" Mabel said.

"His birthmark?" Robbie asked.

"Ask him about it, I can't tell." Mabel said. "I hope his date with Pacifica goes well!"

. . .

At the Lisandre Cafe, Pacifica sat down waiting for Dipper to arrive, wearing her usual dress. Dipper arrived at the cafe wearing a different outfit from usual, a black jacket with a white shirt and a pair of jeans, still with his beanie. He looked for Pacifica and soon found her at a table nearby the window, he approached her and sat down in the seat in front of her.

"Hey, I hope I'm not late." Dipper said.

"Not at all." Pacifica said. "But you took a while."

"Sorry." Dipper said.

Pacifica handed him the menu that was in her hands, Dipper looked at the options and choose what he wanted while Pacifica waited for him.

"So tell me, Dipper." Pacifica said. "How would you describe a royal?"

Dipper looked at her. "A royal?" he asked, getting a nod from her. "Well. . . Royals are the richest ones, the ones that rule over a kingdom or are descendants of the rulers."

"Is my luxury considered royal to you?" Pacifica asked.

"Pretty much." Dipper said. "Why?"

"Because sometimes I do actually feel like the queen of all." Pacifica said. "After all, I'm the richest girl in town."

"I thought the Northwest were the richest?" Dipper asked.

"As the richest girl in this town, that would made me a queen. . . I guess that could mean you are my king." Pacifica said.

Dipper looked to the side and laughed a bit, embarrassed and nervous. "Thanks, I guess. . .?"

"You're welcome." Pacifica said, confidently.

A waitress approached the two. "Hello! What can I do for you today?"

Pacifica looked at her. "I'd like a white tea with two sugars, not more and not less, chocolate cookies with caramel and a piece of chocolate cake with strawberry chantilly." she looked at Dipper. "And you?"

Dipper looked at the waitress a bit nervous. "I'd like a cappuccino and a piece of chocolate cake."

The waitress noted their orders with a smile on her face. "It will be here shortly!" she said, leaving afterwards.

"This place is so simple and poor I had to limit my likings." Pacifica thought.

"Hey Paz. . ." Dipper called.

"Paz?" Pacifica asked.

"Sorry! It was an accident!" Dipper said. "I wanted to give you a nickname but I forgot to ask if you were okay with it and-"

"It's alright, Dip." Pacifica said. "You can call me Paz."

Dipper looked surprised, but smile. He blinked twice before remembering why he actually called her. Dipper pulled out his phone and looked through the social media. "What the?" Dipper let out. He saw multiple pictures of him and Pacifica at the table, some of them had her alone waiting for someone, in all of them she had a confident smile to the camera. "Are we being followed?"

Pacifica glanced at Dipper. "Why do you ask?"

Dipper showed her his phone and the pictures. Pacifica laughed a bit. "Oh, don't worry, it's just paparazzi." she said. "I'm already used to them."

"Paparazzi?" Dipper asked.

"I'm a famous girl, especially after the performance with Gideon." Pacifica said.

"The one you told everyone to shut up?" Dipper asked.

"They whispered too loud." Pacifica stated.

"I could barely hear a thing, but I'm not the psychic here, so. . ." Dipper said.

"Your sarcasm is showing." Pacifica said.

"Oh, is it that obvious?" Dipper asked, laughing a bit after. "I'm just kidding, everything for the show, right?"

He winked at her, she crossed her arms and smiled a bit. "Everything for the show."

The waitress came back with their orders. "Here we go! I hope you have a wonderful date!"

Dipper turned a bit red at the waitress' comment, looking away after. She served both of them and Pacifica put her purse on the table.

"Bring the bill, I'm paying now." Pacifica said.

The waitress nodded and went back inside, Pacifica watched Dipper drink a bit of his cappuccino. He noticed her staring and she took a sip of her tea, changing her look to the drink. Pacifica had an idea in her mind, everything needed to be perfect. She and Dipper knew each other for quite a while now, if she had luck, he would say yes.

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